Saturday, September 3, 2016

Annual Classroom Adoption Announcement!!!!!

It's that time again my friends!!!!

This year I'm going to try something new. This year...

YES! I did....


One classroom for each month of the school year.

I'm so EXCITED!!!!
And to top it off... I'm accepting classrooms.... are ya ready for this?????
FROM ANYWHERE in the world.
Here's what you get from me

-50$ in Melonheadz graphics for your classroom
(of your choice)

- A box of goodies mailed with a prize for each child

- A special "pick me up" prize for you!
Now, before you enter....
PLEASE be certain that you are allowed to use the things I send for your classroom.
The purpose of the Classroom Adoption is to bring a smile to your kids. ALSO to say thank you to those of you often taken for granted, and who work so hard to teach our littles. If you're not interested in the graphics, please don't enter. Leave the spot open for someone that does.

Here's how to enter:

Winners will be chosen at random on Friday, September 9th.
Once the announcement is made, the winners will need to contact me for the details, so be sure to check back on the 9th!

Don't forget to comment to win,
and get ya 


Good Luck everyone!



1 – 200 of 236   Newer›   Newest»
Unknown said...

Hi Nikki! I have 28 students this year who love Melonheadz. My girls are actually drawing pictures of your clip art at recess and coloring them and asking for more. We would love to have some of your graphics in the classroom and using them on our power points and on our task cards, anchor charts, and worksheets. Please, please, please come out for a balloon fiesta in October. We would love to have you visit our classroom and spend time with us... even if we don't win! We love you so so much!

SarahO said...

I teach at a small private school--wonderful environment but limited resources. My kiddos would flip over an experience like this!

Unknown said...

I am a newish (on my 4th year) teacher and love your stuff. This year your clipart is everywhere in my new classroom!! I'd love to add more and also have a chance to better my classroom for all the kiddos that will be a part of it this year and the rest to come!
Thanks! :)

Anna Hines said...

My classroom is full of diverse students who have such a huge love for learning! We range in learning levels from extremely high to years below grade level and the students love that I customize most worksheets to them and get so excited when I add melonheadz to my worksheets and use them to make individual sheets and labels for each kid with a different melonheadz. I would love to make my first full year teaching third grade so special for these kids!

jen-o said...

My class would love to be picked because they are a wonderful set of first graders who work hard all day! I would love it because I have returned this year to where I started my career (teaching first grade) after 8 years of instructional coaching and would love to start rebuilding my collection of graphics to help boost my new classroom.

VK said...

Hey! I have 23 little second grade kiddos that I am proud to call my own. We're from a Title I, inner city school that often copes with have less than we need and having students that need more than we can give. My kids are not used to people going the extra mile for them, but that is what I strive to do. One of the simple pleasures that brings a smile to my kids face is a fun, colorful classroom with creative materials. I bought my own personal color printer to help make these things and would be terribly grateful to have awesome graphics to go with it! Please consider helping out my kids :) thanks!!

Unknown said...

I use melonheadz alllllll over my class and hallway, the kids love it because of the diversity which is what we strive to teach in my class. I have a group of 2nd and 3rd graders in a district in the Bronx that doesn't get nearly as much funding as needed so most of what my kids need comes out of my pocket I know my 32 students and I would surely enjoy anything to help make learning more fun and to spread acceptance!

Cathy :) said...

Hi! I'm a teacher of 25 second graders. This year I'm trying to inject even more positivity and FUN into our classroom! School can be hard for some kids and I want them to enjoy coming, as well as learn things. With all of the testing and focus on standards, sometimes it feels that administration is forgetting these are kids and they still need fun, magic, and surprise. This adoption would do just that! I also have different positivity posters up around the room using your great clipart, as well as with descriptions of the rules. I love how it includes students of all types. Even if I don't win, thank you for doing this for those 9 classrooms. You are sure to not only make their day, but their year!
-Cathy W :)

Erin said...

My class would LOVE to win because we are a special class filled with smiles and SO many MelonHeadz graphics around our room. It makes us happy to have a bright, cheery, safe place to learn! Our teacher thinks it's important that we bring the community into the classroom and since they film all sorts of cool movies in our town we have a Hollywood themed classroom. We would love if you chose us! Fridays are our special day of celebration so we can't wait to find out if we are the winners.

Unknown said...

My school has expanded this year m among we've all packed up and moved to a new building. It's been a crazy move and a whole lotta work preparing an empty classroom! I have 56 students this year (two groups of 28) in my 4th grade ELA classroom. My class is so special to me because these kiddos are my babies- I had them as second graders and now as fourth graders! We are going to be working hard to build a strong classroom community because we spend a lot of time together and are a family. I want my students to feel safe and loved to help them feel confident to take risks. These students hold a special place in my heart and I cannot wait for another year with them to see how much they've grown since second grade! This would be an amazing opportunity to help create a warm feeling when entering the room with your clip art everywhere and my kiddos always love when I add your work to their worksheets and classroom resources!

Primary Fairy Tales said...

I would absolutely LOVE for my class to be chosen. I am a HUGE fan of your graphics and work and love including them into my students work. My students love seeing the graphics on their page and working with them in our center activities. My classroom is filled with 18 loving first graders who all come from different home life situations. Many of which do not include both or any of their parents. Despite their home situation they come to school and work with their classmates to become the smartest first grader they can be. Knowing their backgrounds and home life I work hard each and every day to make our day a magical one. I want My classroom to be a place where they can count on someone believing in them, giving them positive attention, and just being there when they need them. This is why I'd love for you to adopt our magical first grade classroom.

Nanouchette said...

Hello, I'm a French addict of your work . I discovered what you do last year and I started decorating most of my classroom labels and posters with your stuff . I love them and my colleagues tend to be fascinated also by them. I think your drawings are really well destinated to Kindergarten children (I teach the Kindergarten last section in France). I would be honored to continue decorating my class and my work with your creative graphics.

Who's On First? said...

I have 20 first graders and love your graphics! Thank you for sharing the love!
Who's On First

Unknown said...

I have 24 kiddos this year in my 3rd grade class! I teach at a city school with tons of diversity. I have kiddos that are dressed from head to toe in the nicest of brands, and I have kiddos that need their shoes hot glued together to make it through the day. I have kiddos that come to my room that don't speak English at all...and others that read on a 5th grade level. All in all, my main job is to make each and every kid feel loved, because in so many cases I will have children show up late because they get themselves ready for school and had to walk...or mom was thrown in jail the night before and they stayed with a relative that didn't know what time school started. As a teacher, one of the things that makes me happiest is making our classroom feel like home and a safe place to be. I do so by using SO much of your graphics. You are absolutely my favorite. I hope to win a chance to be adopted by you!! I'm a total fangirl of yours! :)

Lauren @ Teaching in Stripes said...

Hi Nikki! What a fabulous opportunity and such a wonderful surprise for those lucky winners! I would, of course, love to win. I'm in my 11th year of teaching in central PA. My classroom is filled with color, organization, and fabulous 2nd graders! Although I only have 20 students this year, I do think it may be my neediest group yet. They are certainly a unique mix of kiddos. We started last week, and we were all working so hard. I'm looking so forward to a year filled with lots of learning, growth, and FUN! Those little sillies would flip if we won your contest, and so would I! Thanks so much for your generosity!

Sandra said...

I would loooove to win this for my classroom! I have 21 first graders in a Title 1 school. They are the sweetest and smartest kids around! They always try their best and persevere! This summer, I went a little TpT crazy and bought a ton of classroom items from Learning in Wonderland. As I bet you know, she uses your kid graphics and makes the cutest things. My kiddos light up when they see your kiddos that look just like them! I love the diversity that you show! I'd use the graphic money for some kid clip art and maybe I can print one for each kiddo that looks like them! 😍 I'd also use the clip art for their front page of the school folders, cubbie signs, and so much more! Thank you so much for the opportunity!

Unknown said...

Hi! I am a 2nd grade teacher in my 3rd year from Texas. I have 19 little babes in my class this year. I make a lot of the resources I use in my classroom and your clip art is always my #1 go to for graphics! I absolutely LOVE your designs and my kiddos would love to see more of your fabulous work around our room! You are AWESOME for doing this! Fingers crossed!!!

-Shelby Riley

mrs grooms room said...

Hi Nikki!

We would love for you to be part of our class! My firsties LOVE your graphics just as much as I do. The first thing they have to do is color your precious graphics and I don't blame them!! I, myself, love to use them on all of our classroom newsletters, PowerPoints, games, and worksheets!! What makes my class so special? It's my students! They are sweet, loving, and all around great! They work so hard everyday to learn and make the best choices. I am so proud of them and want the best for YOU! We think you are really awesome! Lots of learning and love!

Anonymous said...


I just want to start out by saying I love your graphics. I Teach K-6th Special Education and would love to use your graphics on products used in my classroom. Your graphics would help to bring a smile to my students faces and would help save me time on when trying to make things for my students to do. As a Special Education teacher I do not often get donations or adopted by anyone and this would really make my year! I know my students would love this Special gift as well! Thank you for all you do for teachers and students!

lorena said...

I love your clip art and use it whenever I can! It is on our school pledge page and our number one school rule page that we learn about during our first week so your clip art is one of the first things my Kinder students get to color! :) <3

Anonymous said...


I just want to start out by saying I love your graphics. I Teach K-6th Special Education and would love to use your graphics on products used in my classroom. Your graphics would help to bring a smile to my students faces and would help save me time on when trying to make things for my students to do. As a Special Education teacher I do not often get donations or adopted by anyone and this would really make my year! I know my students would love this Special gift as well! Thank you for all you do for teachers and students!

Donna Joyce- NC

Shea said...

I have 25 students this year. The first time I showed them my personal Melonheadz one student said, "That cartoon is pretty!" I learned how to enlarge clipart so my Melonheadz is hanging my room. She's life size!��

KStew93 said...

Oh my goodness! I would love this! I'm a first year teacher, and my students are so special to me already. We are working hard to have a growth mindset, and they are some of the biggest encouragers I've ever known. I would be so thankful for this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

My kids would go CRAZY over this. This year I have 22 first graders who are ON FIRE for learning. At the end of each week they tell me two things they liked and one wish they had for the week. I am blown away each week at their responses. They want to write more, read more, and stay at school longer. These are the same kids who work all day long. They work so hard, yet want more.

This group of students would be so excited to see your graphics on their work papers or be able to use them in creating a story. It would be a great motivator to keep up the desire to learn more each day.

Unknown said...

I teack K to 21 special little Arkansans. I love that your little people are just as diversified as mine! My kiddos love seeing tools, materials, posters, etc. that they can personally relate to!! In the past my room has been a hodge podge of decorations. This year I have been very purposeful in what I bring into my classroom. I would love to be chosen to share your awesome work with my awesome K's!!! ��

LaKeta Ille said...

Oh my goodness Nikki! How generous you are! I would love to win this prize for my classroom of 5th grade learners. I teach two blocks of ELA and two blocks of science. My students are SO appreciative of anything they are given and truly enjoy a cozy setting. My room is showered in your clipart and the kids (especially my girls) love how cute it all is. Thank you for the opportunity to enjoy your beautiful artwork as a gift!!!

Marcia said...

I love your graphics. With so much emphasis on standardized testing and goals, the least I can do is add your cuteness to the materials I must post. Students would ignore it if not for your graphics. Help me motivate them to learn! Thanks for the wonderful opportunity!

Unknown said...

First off, my name is Nikki and I absolutely love your name!! Lol. I don't find very many Nikki's with the same spelling!!! I teach 26 Kindergarteners with a 3 hour paraprofessional in a Title 1 school and this is my 15th year here. I absolutely love your designs and would be honored to use them in my classroom. We have a lot of low income families and many of them speak very little to no English. We are a very diverse community. I would love to teach them about receiving such an honorable gift! Most of these kids have 2 or 3 outfits that they wear over and over again.

M. Deatherage said...

Hello Nikki! I'd love to win because I truly enjoy creating cute and engaging things for my first graders. I purchased some of your clipart over the last couple years and I use it on many things I create. The students love having colorful posters, charts, and worksheets in their learning environment. Thank you so much for all you do!

Teresa Bowyer said...

Hi Nikki! I love your work and would be thrilled to win! Our classroom is unique in that we use a true co-teaching model. I am a special education teacher working with a regular eduction teacher in a classroom with 23 kindergarten students. We are always looking for fun, engaging activities to motivate our students. One of the best things about your clipart is the universal appeal. This is very important in meeting the varied needs of our students. I have created a number of materials using your work and the results are always a crowd pleaser! Thanks for your generosity in supporting teachers!

Lisa Hutchcroft said...

Hi Nikki,
First off, thank you for offering this opportunity. Whether my class is one or the 9 or not, you will truly brighten some students day! I am a newer teacher, about to enter my 3rd year of having my own classroom. I teacher in an inner-city school in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. We are about 40 minutes outside of Vancouver. Our school is deemed inner-city, and we provide many students with breakfast, lunch, snacks and hampers for at home. Many of our students come from families on welfare, gang members and addicts. Having this opportunity would brighten their year and I know it would make a world of difference. Thank you for considering my kiddos!

Cece Lively said...

My class is special because they really do come to class eager to learn! In the week and a half we have been in session, they have been filled with positive vibes. They love my silly drawings and fun graphics and I just know they would adore what you add to our mix! Thanks for opening this up to 9 people! I am so glad my class will get to be considered!
Much love, Cece

Gina said...

My class would love to win this. I teach special need students in a Title 1 school. Many of my students come from homes that are struggling to make it day by day. Your clip art always make them smile. Thanks for the chance.

Ali said...

Hello Hello!! I teach 1st grade is Vegas. Let me tell you this town is a crazy place even in the classrooms and the schools. Things are always changing in our district! I have 18 adorable first graders who are very diverse! I have students from Thailand, Germany, Mexico; many students who speak two languages already and a student who has two deaf parents and signs when she is at home and communicating with them. They all bring a smile to my face every day as I try my best to do the same for them. I keep them very engaged and busy at school and love them all dearly as if they are my own. We would love to be adopted for a month! <3

Janice @PreK Partner said...

I serve a low-income community whose children are truly special. They arrive each morning eager to learn and anxious about what they'll do that day!

Fran Kramer said...

Hi Nikki,
My comment is more about you and your generous spirit. I knew you were someone special when I had the opportunity to meet you for the first time. You have such a love for people and particularly your family and it is well reflected in your art. Once again you have opened up your heart and will make a difference to the teachers who win this amazing giveaway.
I've never talked to you much about my own classroom. Generally I serve 31 kinders in an inner city school district in Southern California. Teaching is not my job, it is truly my passion. Your work is beautiful and reflects your soul. Thank you for working so hard to make graphics that make children happy. It makes teachers happy too. I love your need to pay it forward. It reminds me to be kind and help others too.

sheri said...

Oh my, I am so excited that you are taking classes from around the world this year! Last year I wanted to enter but as I am from Australia I was unable to. Most of my classroom decor has already got Melonheadz all over it. I love using it on worksheets and games for my kids. The kids always think they are just the cutest. Your stuff is always such high quality clipart and we would love to win!
Sheri :)
Ps- good luck to all you other deserving entrants. I wouldn't know who to choose.

The LEGIT Teacher said...

This is such an awesome and kind thing for you to do. I'm in my 5th year of teaching and just relocated to a new town. I teach 4th grade Reading/Writing and would love to have some melonheadz in our class!

Amy said...

Greetings From First Grade!
I have 26 kids in my class and began my 9th year at a different school with a completely different atmosphere and environment of kids. This gave way for opportunities to recreate my classroom climate. I have used your clip art in almost every corner of my class. I love creating documents and decor with your doodles everywhere. I use them on all the assessments I've created, as well as newsletters, homework, and class work. They inspire me and the kids. I love your humble beginning with this journey that has now taken off and blessed the lives of teachers everywhere! I'd love to win to continue bringing smiles to the kids and parents I teach! Thanks for sharing your talents with us all!

Lenore said...

Hello Nikki,
I would love to win this adoption for my class. I adore your graphics. My children come from poverty so they are grateful for amything I give them.

Jean said...

What a wonderful gift you offer to teachers!!! I've recently become a Melonheadz addict and by the looks of my kindergarten classroom, I definitely look addicted! My kids AND their parents LOVE your artwork as it makes our classroom look happy and inviting!!! Thank you so much and please keep on drawing!!!

Unknown said...

I would LOVE to win as I love your graphics!! My class is special because... it's huge and full of potential. I teach kindergarten at a title 1/low income school. I have 50 kiddos I get to spend my day with... each one with their own challenges and blessings. I'm excited to see to what this year brings!! Thank you for such a wonderful gift.

Unknown said...

Oh Nikki! What a generous heart you have!! My "big" 5th graders love all the clip art I use from you, both kidlets and big kids. We are at a Title 1 school and I have 39 kids in my 2 ELA classes. They are working hard at developing a growth mindset and having dreams of college/careers when most people around them aren't encouraging them in that direction. We work hard and play hard using Kahoot, GoNoodle, Flocabulary, and Class Dojo to keep us actively engaged and thinking critically. When they are allowed a choice activity, my kiddos love to draw and color. Some of their favorite things to draw are cartoons and they try to draw pictures of themselves using your work as models. I would love to tell them we have been picked as one of your 9 classrooms this year! Thanks for this opportunity:)

Perla Villasenor said...

I would love for my class to be chosen. I teach at a parochial school and our resources are limited. Whenever I find free prints with melonheadz I print them out and distribute them in class. My students love them! I like that the little characters show diversity.

Ms. Flores said...

Howdy! I am a special needs teacher in Texas. This year I have 15 kiddos (kindergarten PPCD) with varying abilities. I love your graphics. I could really use it to freshen up my individualized lessons. Cute little people always make lessons pop! My babies love to see cuties that look like they do... You have so much to offer is!! Please consider us for adoption!! 😊

Anonymous said...

Seriously!!!! What a cool opportunity!! Thank you!!! I have 25 kinder babes and teach at a Title I school. I am always on the hunt for clip art to use in creating centers/classroom activities for my class. In my humble opinion kiddos respond to novelty with regards to their tasks/learning. It peaks their interest and creating materials with clip art is one of the ways I can do just that. I would be over the moon if my class were to be adopted!

Jen Wolff

Anonymous said...

Seriously!!!! What a cool opportunity!! Thank you!!! I have 25 kinder babes and teach at a Title I school. I am always on the hunt for clip art to use in creating centers/classroom activities for my class. In my humble opinion kiddos respond to novelty with regards to their tasks/learning. It peaks their interest and creating materials with clip art is one of the ways I can do just that. I would be over the moon if my class were to be adopted!

Jen Wolff

Unknown said...

Hello! My name is Angie and I am a Melonheadz Addict (#0276 to be exact!) 😀 I am also a Kindergarten teacher at a large urban Title 1 public school with limited resources and kiddos with unlimited needs. We can nourish their minds and bodies at school but sometimes I worry that the same nourishment for body and mind may not happen consistently after they leave us at the end of each school day. To help ease my worried mind, I purchase or create many resources for my littles to work with not only at school but also at home and guess what! The recurring theme throughout all of these mind nourishing products is Melonheadz graphics!

I have an amazing personal Melonhead you so graciously created for me a couple to a few years back that I use as our class mascot on most of my class forms and Take Home Binder cover sheet. When I introduced a different Melonheadz graphic (a boy because I have a class of 17 ALL boy Kinders) on the cover of a workbook I created, one of my young students got out his Take Home Binder and excitedly pointed out that the graphic looked like his binder picture (which is my personal Melonhead all decked out in St. Louis sports gear)! My littles know your design and have come to expect to see Melonheadz on their class work packets and paperwork. With the gift of additional Melonheadz graphics, the number of new packets and practice sheets I will be able to create for my littles is boundless! Because consistency is so important when presenting materials to young students, I have Melonheadz graphics featured in many of our wall hangings also from our Class Rules posters to our Class Jobs pocket chart. Your graphics gift will be the gift that keeps on giving, as I hope to use new Melonheadz designs on countless new "show what you know" sheets for my students. You know I love your work, but please know that my kiddos love seeing your graphics in their work packets just as much as I love placing them in there for them. Those darling faces you create warm all of our hearts and simply make our souls smile. Thank you for creating and sharing your amazing talents!

Unknown said...

Waqaa (hello in Yup'ik)! I teach 12 4th graders in a smal village in southwest Alaska. I have taught in several other villages in AK, my first year in this villag school. The school has very little in the way of supplies, so I have to make most of what I use with my kiddos. I try to make fun games, printable a, etc using your graphics. I have spent so much of my own money on supplies, clip art,etc that I would so appreciate the chance to win this! I know my students, as well as myself, would love to be one of the nice to win! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I would REALLY, REALLY, REALLY love some graphics from you. I'm not sure if you and others really know how important graphics are in teaching materials. The very first thing that grabs kids' attention is the presentation of the materials. If they are not engaged in the first second of the activity, then they will most likely not engage at all. A cute graphic on an activity is SOOOOOOOOO important. Learning is fun and your graphics are part of that fun. Thank you for the work you put in to make such an important difference in classrooms, students, and teachers every day! You are appreciated!

Unknown said...

Thank you for this opportunity! I teach in New Mexico in a low income community. This is my second year in first grade and I love it! My kids would appreciate this opportunity! They are so sweet, kind, and smart. They often go without a lot of things, so this would be so fantastic. Thank you again for this chance to win!

Erin Clark said...

Our first grade team is in the middle of a book study with "Helping Children Succeed" by Paul Tough. A huge takeaway had been that in order to connect with children, we need to first focus on changing their environment, NOT the child. Oftentimes, our toughest kids don't thrive as well as they could in the classroom because many dont have the foundation of a safe, nurturing home environment. This would GREATLY add to a positive change in their school environment! I love your work, and I know my students would too. Thanks for the opportunity!!

Jessica said...

Thank you so much for doing such a wonderful giveaway! You are awesome! I am in love with your artwork. You have been so kind to answer questions on teachers pay teachers and making my adorable Hispanic clipart. I would love it if my classroom was adopted by you. My students and parents love your clipart. My students think the kidlettes I pick for them where created just for them. My parents love how diverse they are. I love using ur clipart on anything I make even my son's birthday party decorations! Thank you once again for being so awesome! Good luck everyone!

Unknown said...

I teach 4th grade to some of the most precious, fun loving kids ever! I definitely love my job and love me some Melonheadz. I have a slight addiction to the clipart (ok, huge) and was able to create a name tag for each of my students with a clipart kid that looked like them! They loved it and thought it was the best thing ever!!

MRs hodge said...

Oh how wonderful! I would LOVE to be considered for this awesomeness!! I'm currently a Kindergarten teacher in England. We are American and we are stationed here in England (my husband is active duty Air Force) and I teach at a school on base. School, for my kids, is the one constant in their life. At any one given time, a majority or our Airmen are deployed to foreign locations fighting the war. Because deployments are so common for my students and one or both parents are often gone from the home, school is the one place where they can come and know that I will always greet them with a smile and a bright and fun learning environment. Your graphics help me provide that colorful and happy space for them to visit everyday! I would love to win for my students, where I could put your graphics on display to help them learn and smile everyday!! Thanks for this awesome opportunity! With love from England ~Elizabeth

Unknown said...

This year will be a little different for me. I just had a baby last week so a friend of mine will be my sub as my new 25 second graders enter my classroom this coming Tuesday. I teach in a suburb of Detroit and have s class list of 25 unique students. I know transitioning from the sub back to me in November will be hard in the kids so something like this would be fun and help us to get off on a great foot!! Thanks for the opportunity!


Sunshine said...

I have 20 little 2nd graders and they are so unique. My class is filled with budding artists and to have a chance to win would totally make their year! They love to draw and to have the opportunity to expose them to an artist such as yourself would completely inspire them. We love your graphics!!

jillm473 said...

Hi Nikki, my class would love to win your classroom adoption. The reason you should chose us is because we live in Baton Rouge, LA where the GREAT FLOOD OF LOUISIANA 2016 took place. My school did not flood, but a lot of my children did. We also have another school that had to move in with us as well. Some of my kids lost everything they owned and they would love to get a gift from you! Right now in my classroom are Melonheadz kidlettes! It would be awesome to have more!!

Unknown said...

This is such an awesome idea! This would help my class in so many ways especially since they are disbanding one of our k classes and giving us more kids. Starting on September 9th. They are calling parents Tusday and Wednesday and moving them after that. Going to be a big adjustment for all of us!

Unknown said...


My class is special because they never give up! I teach for a Comprehensive Special Education Program. This year I have all low/non readers but they PUSH! forward daily. Visuals are a big support for our activities and I would love incorporate more Melonheadz...Please choose us.

Your Friend,


beachteachde said...

I would love love love to be a classroom you choose! I used some of your black and white graphics on our organizational binders and the kids went nuts. They started asking if they could color right away. I of course used the black and white graphics for this purpose so they could personalize their binders. The only problem, now they're asking for more black and white images of yours to color (is that even a problem?) and I'm happy to oblige because your graphics are just to stinkin' cute! Thanks for making my classroom adorable and inspiring some creativity into my 20 littles this year! Hope we win so they can continue to be inspired.


Cindy said...

I would love to be a part of this! I use your clip art all the time! Everything I make no do has. Melonheadz on it! I think I own almost every clip art set in both bw and color!!!!!! The reason why my class deserves to be chosen is because we are a title one school with no curriculum. I use the standards and thenmelonheadz kids to create all of the resources my kiddos need to learn what they need to know! We are also have a large special education population at our school and they push in with my class! My kiddos are so understanding and accepting no matter what happens! My kiddos are Loving hard working never giving up kids! I am a Sam teacher so I have regular education students as well as intensive students with Ieps! The family life of many of my students is not a pleasant one and this would be such an awesome opportunity that would reinforce the message that I am trying to portray to them and tht is they are worth it, they deserve to be happy, they are special and they are loved!!!!!

Abby J said...

I would love to win this for my class! I'm new to using clip art and would love to add yous to my growing collection. Your clipart s adorable and easy for kids to understand and use!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Penny Lundquist said...

My class would love to win! We love your work! I have a teacher melonheadz and kidlettes to represent my kids. Everything on my walls is from you! My girls love to try to draw like you! We would love to be chosen. I teach 2nd grade and I have an awesome class of 18.

robyn said...

Oh wow! I would love to win this for my littles! This year I am blessed with 18 new friends. In the past my class sizes have been 24 and 25 students. This smaller class size would allow me to really be more creative with my centers and my classroom. I love using your clip art in my classroom creations. It is so adorable!
I am keeping my fingers crossed for this contest. Thank you for the chance to possibly be selected!

Unknown said...

Good morning,
Our first grade class would love to be adopted. We have 10 boys and 9 girls in a,Title 1 school in South Florida. These boys and girls range in reading levels from emerging kindergarten to 2nd grade. They love to read, write and do Gonoodle. I'm also a huge fan of your work and use your graphics that I have purchased on tpt, or products I've made or purchased on a daily basis. I love that My students uniqueness can be found in your creative graphics! Thank you for the opportunity.
Jessica Berggren
Tales of a First Grade Teacher

Unknown said...

P.S. my 40th Birthday is September 10th, so this would be like The BEST Present EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bfen18 said...

I have 24 kiddos in my class! We have had a great start by learning the expectations with posters peppered with your art! What a unique opportunity it would be to win! Kids deserve it!

Crystal @Primary on the Prowl said...

Hi Nikki,

My class deserves to be adopted by you because they fight hard for thr little they have. I work in a high poverty area. 98% of our students qualify for free/reduced breakfast and lunch. They live in a small town and rarely see the surrounding cities unless they are on a field trip. Despite all their disadvantages, they show up at school everyday and work. They want to soak up as much as they can
One week into the school year and they are repeating my classroom mantra already- Everything you do for the rest of your life is a choice- choose well. So, Nikki, please choose well by adopting my class and showing then there are people who care!


Crystal @Primary on the Prowl said...

Hi Nikki,

My class deserves to be adopted by you because they fight hard for thr little they have. I work in a high poverty area. 98% of our students qualify for free/reduced breakfast and lunch. They live in a small town and rarely see the surrounding cities unless they are on a field trip. Despite all their disadvantages, they show up at school everyday and work. They want to soak up as much as they can
One week into the school year and they are repeating my classroom mantra already- Everything you do for the rest of your life is a choice- choose well. So, Nikki, please choose well by adopting my class and showing then there are people who care!


Unknown said...

Hello Nikki!
I teach in rocket city Alabama and I teach 4th grade math. I have 21 wonderfully sweet students. This is a title 1 school, with the majority of the school qualifying for free and reduced lunch. We provide breakfast and dinner to every student because some of them don't have the opportunity to eat at home. It is very eye opening to experience this new side of life I wasn't exposed to. I love my job, and I love to help my students!
We would love to be adopted because it would show my students they matter. They would be appreciated for who they are and not by what has happened to them.

Thank you for the opportunity to share our story!
Tara Trafton

Unknown said...

Hi! Like a lot of these teachers I teach in a high poverty area, but the reason to pick my class is their heart. This is probably my lowest group of kindergarteners I've taught. For once no one can read and over half don't know more than the letters in their name. What they do have is an amazing desire to learn which makes me know I Will reach all of them. Every morning we sing's song from Sesame Street and they believe every word! I would love to have your support to continue to create amazing things to meet the at their levels. We can all agree we adore your artwork and the kids do too!

Unknown said...

Hi! Like a lot of these teachers I teach in a high poverty area, but the reason to pick my class is their heart. This is probably my lowest group of kindergarteners I've taught. For once no one can read and over half don't know more than the letters in their name. What they do have is an amazing desire to learn which makes me know I Will reach all of them. Every morning we sing's song from Sesame Street and they believe every word! I would love to have your support to continue to create amazing things to meet the at their levels. We can all agree we adore your artwork and the kids do too!

Unknown said...

I would love for you to adopt my classroom! My students are so precious to me! They are so well behaved and love to learn! It has been a long time since I have had an awesome class like the one I have this year! I would love to surprise them to show them how awesome they are! Please, please, please pick me!

twolittlebirds said...

Nikki, this is so kind of you!! I would love for my class to win! I have 16 students in my class this year & this would be an awesome surprise! I am on maternity leave until February & this would be so great to surprise my sub that has worked so hard to get my classroom ready for also could be a great pick me up for when I return after February! I love how you are always giving back to our teacher community! Thank you!!

Jen Regan

Unknown said...

I would love to share this in my room. What a great thing to do. I have 25 little ones.

have2teach said...

This is an amazing gift you are giving! I use your products on so many items in my classroom and my kids always comment on the cute "kids." I have 15 second graders in a rural community. Our school has very high poverty and often the only gifts our students receive are the ones that we the teachers give. My kids would be over the moon to receive a special gift in the mail. Thank you again for what you are doing here it will be amazing for whom ever is chosen.

Sarah M said...

I'm the instructional technologist at my K-5 Title 1 school in Va. I help all the teachers integrate technology into their classrooms and I adore your clip art!! I'm working quite closely with a kindergarten class this year with a tough group of kids who have had little to no school experience until this week. The teacher is incredibly creative and we work together to create fun activities in her classroom. I's LOVE to put a smile on their faces with something special!!

Sarah said...

We would love you to adopt our classroom for a month! I work in a very diverse school with lots of wonderful children. We decided to try something new this year and incorporate flexible furniture in the room for encouraging movement and comfort in the first graders learning. I love your graphics and hope to decorate the flexible spaces with them. I have 24 learners this year who would be so excited for a special gift. :)

Kerry said...

After 19 years in the same classroom I had to move my room from 3rd floor to the 1st floor. Needless to say lots of stuff just went to the trash. And I still ended up with 100 + boxes! I teach 4th grade and this would be so great to win! I am in love with your graphics and could use them to spice up my new classroom! I am looking at this move as a fresh beginning! I have 25 students coming to me on Tuesday for their new start in gr4!! I want this year to be great for us both!!

Unknown said...

I teach a wonderful group of first graders! In the first week my students have encouraged each other, helped each other, and have been such great workers! Many are FARMS students and would love to receive a special surprise and are so appreciative. As a teacher I have recently moved back to first grade after being moved around to fourth and fifth for the last few years. Due to limited storage space I had to give away a lot of the first grade resources I had invested my own money into. It has been tough creating a first grade classroom again with limited resources and I have been working on creating center and things for them to avoid buying them. Devona

Unknown said...

I would love to be adopted! I am teaching 23 kindergarteners this year and love your products!

avaughn said...

I just moved to Tennessee from Texas. I am in a title 1 school teaching PK-4th grade music. I see over 630 students every week. I teaching using the ideas from Zoltan Kodaly, a Hungarian music educator and composer. I focus on music literacy and folk songs. Every lesson I teach has a visual presentation for students. I have purchased some song material from other music teachers but more often than not, I create my own to custom design it for the needs of my kids. I am always searching for new graphics but often finances prevent me from getting what I need. My song material consists of folk songs about animals, kings, queens, farms, farmers, and much more. Having something visually pleasing not only interests my students in what we are doing but gives them a visual memory to connect the content to. I create reading material of the songs including lyrics, rhythmic reading, and melodic reading.

As far as the gifts for students, I can always use treasures and rewards for students to motivate behavior and make an emotional connection with them.

Thank you for offering this. We all know teachers work hard and long hours and we get little in return, but we do it because we love our kids and what we do for them is so much bigger than any pay check or appreciation gift.

Andra Vaughn

wendeo said...


I am a 4th grade teacher of 45 students. Most of my students are below grade level and have special needs. I have found that the use of Melon Heads and other eye catching graphics help to grab my students' attention and keep them engaged. I currently teach in a Title 1 school with limited resources. This opportunity would mean a lot to me and my students! Thanks for considering us.

One Room Schoolhouse said...

Oh, my! This is so awesome! I would love to win for my class. I teach a self-contained special ed class in an inner city school. Even though we are self-contained, my class is very academic. My goal is to move as many of my kids back into the general education program as possible. So far, I have been able to integrate 7 students back into the general ed program with minimal resource support! My kids would be beyond thrilled to receive a surprise in the mail and I would be beyond thrilled to have more of your amazing clip art! Thanks so much for doing this!!

wendeo said...


I am a 4th grade teacher of 45 students. Most of my students are below grade level and have special needs. I have found that the use of Melon Heads and other eye catching graphics help to grab my students' attention and keep them engaged. I currently teach in a Title 1 school with limited resources. This opportunity would mean a lot to me and my students! Thanks for considering us.

Scriven's 4th Grade Scoop said...

I absolutely love your clipart and so do my students! They are always excited to see which Melonheadz clipart I will use to engage them on all of my teacher created materials. They especially love it when I use the black and white graphics as it allows them to color them and bring out the own creative skills. I have 20 4th graders who love your clipart just as much as their teacher! Thanks for sharing your talents with us!
Verena Scriven

Anonymous said...

Our class would love to be treated to Melonheadz.

I have a class if extremely diverse second graders at an international school in Seoul, Korea. Right now I have 17 students from 12 different countries. Within the next month I'll receive 2 more students from 2 more countries.

These students are so blessed to be raised so diverse and yet so challenged for the same reason. They're blessed because they learn about other cultures and to accept religious and cultural difference. I have a Jew and a Muslim who are best friends and yet from countries where this friendship would not be allowed. They learn about global issues and consider how to solve them. They may be 2nd graders but they believe they can change the world. They're currently raising money to rescue kids from slavery...a thing most 2nd graders don't know exist!

And yet these kids struggle. They don't know their identity because they're not fully any culture anymore. They may be "from" Turkey or Syria or the US but they may have never lived there and instead lived in 5 countries in their 7 short years. They move often and struggle to figure out who they are and where they fit in.

They would be so blessed to receive love from you and to be recognized for their uniqueness.

Tiffany Whitten said...

I love your graphics! I am a second grade teacher at a small charter school in Florida. We have very limited resources so a lot of things come straight out of pocket. I would love to win this amazing giveaway!

Sassylittleteacher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tweets From Kindergarten said...

What a wonderful opportunity! I work in a Title 1 school, I have 18 students who every day walk in our classroom with a smile in their faces, ready to learn. I actually have a girl who looks exactly like one of your drawings! I love to make games, activities, and resources that are appealing and eye catching for them, and your illustrations are wonderful, like the cherry on top! Thank you so much for doing this!

Jenny @ said...

Wow! This is such a generous and amazing gift provided by you! I teach at a decent sized elementary school (600 students) where over 80% of the students are on free or reduced lunch. My class is a sweet and kind class of 16 kids. I love to create items for my students to use in class to try and engage them and make them want to learn (not always easy with the home lives these kids come from and when learning is not a priority in their homes). This year we are working on seven character traits (gratitude, grit, optimism, social intelligence, zest, self control, and curiosity) to try and change the dynamics of these kids' lives and hopefully their future. I would love to be able to show these students that people care about them and that they have a future that is worthy.
Thank you for this opportunity for some lucky classroom- all kids and teachers are deserving. Good luck to everyone!

Andrea Sanzari said...

Hi Nikki,

I cannot thank you enough for the chance to win this classroom adoption! I am a first year kindergarten teacher with 22 kindergartners! I use your melonheadz for everything from classroom decoration, to coloring sheets, to creating my own centers and math worksheets! My kindergarteners love them just as much as I do! You are amazing for giving all these teachers this opportunity to win! Thank you for all you do and your amazing work!

Keepin up with the Kinders

Kinderstacey said...

Robert be 😇 honest, I don't think my class is more special than the next. Like all of us here, I teach therefor I have no money. So 🙋🙆🙌 pick me. It makes me💃dance.

Unknown said...

I teach Kindergarten and standards and academics are the major focus! Little time to play or be a kid for that matter! We need a little pick-me-up!! The children love school, but I can tell after only three weeks, the RIGOR is getting to them! If we don't win, please pray for some play!!

Eat.Pray.Travel.Teach said...

Hi Nikki, first of all it is awesome that you are doing this! This school year I jumped from kindergarten to 5th grade! I was hired 4 days before school started and my classroom setup isn't where'd I'd like it to be. Your designs would help me spice up our math posters, social studies lesson and so much more. My kids are awesome. I have 28 in my class that is made up of life skills, autistic support, ell, gifted and gen ed. I see a total of 56 kids when we switch for math and science/social studies. I know whoever is picked with certainly enjoy your lift me ups!

Anonymous said...

Hi! My students and I absolutely love your art! My students would love to win a prize from the person who creates the clip art that so often decorates the anchor charts around my room and their student activities and worksheets! Thank you for being so generous!

Anonymous said...

Hi NIkki! I teach 1st grade in my district. My kids would love to win because they are a special group! (Aren't they all??) Although I don't know them all yet, I love them. I do my best to make my classroom as fabulous as I can for them. My classroom balances fun activities with a rigorous curriculum. I never forget that they are still babies and developmentally, they need time to socialize, play and just have fun! I think this would give them something fun to look forward to, and, as all children, they deserve it!
thanks for this fun contest! Amy

steffeagin said...

Hello there! I am in my 12th year of teaching and absolutely adore my job. I teach 4th grade at a low income school. I not only teach my students academics, I also try to instill in them tolerance and empathy for others. We write compliments to others once a week and are "bucket fillers". �� To be honest, I just now came across Melonheadz and I am in love! As a single parent of a very active teenager, money and time are limited. I would love the opportunity to use Melonheadz in my classroom!!!! Thank you! ��

Unknown said...

Hi Nikki!!! I have been teaching Kindergarten for 16 years and since I started using your graphics my parents and students have really complimented how cute and inviting my notes, decor and other items are!! I have 17 students in my home room that I teach for half a day and there are 17 students in my partner teachers home room that I teach half a day. It's been an exhausting start to this year, but I know it will get easier as the year goes on. You are the sweetest and have the biggest heart!!! Thank you for always loving teachers (and everyone for that matter!!) Love you!!!

Unknown said...

Hi!! I am a huge fan and MelonHeadz Clipart is ALL over my classroom! I am a special education teacher in a co-teaching inclusive classroom with 28 students. I needed a way to symbolize different activities or ideas in to my non-reading students without signaling them out to their general education peers. MelonHeadz to the rescue!! Each subject, activity, procedure, and location in my class has a MelonHeadz Clipart associated with it. My student with Autism can easily identify when it is math time along with his peers because all math materials and activities are labeled in the same way. My student with severe visual impairments gets his own enlarged copy of each of the Clipart we use for his own reference. My English Language Learners (a large population in our neighborhood) get a copy to take home with the English and their first language so they can practice the terms we use in our classroom and their parents can't refer to them as well when asking us questions or visiting our classroom. I can't thank you enough for the tools you have provided to allow me to create a differentiated and equitable environment for all of my students and their families. My students would love any and all rewards for working so hard and my co-teacher and I can always use a pick me up!! Thank you again!

CaN Teach Up said...

I teach a class of 15 students with a wide range of severe disabilities and they absolutely adore all of the super fun melonheadz designs. We have so much fun being creative and I can promise you that there is no group of children that work harder to reach their goals. They are with me from 1-5 grade and we work together to build independence in a fun, creative way that meets their unique learning needs. I adore my students and would love to see them receive something as special as they are!!

CaN Teach Up said...

I teach a class of 15 students with a wide range of severe disabilities and they absolutely adore all of the super fun melonheadz designs. We have so much fun being creative and I can promise you that there is no group of children that work harder to reach their goals. They are with me from 1-5 grade and we work together to build independence in a fun, creative way that meets their unique learning needs. I adore my students and would love to see them receive something as special as they are!!

Unknown said...

Greetings Melonheadz! Thank you so much for sharing your talent with the world and for having such an amazing heart to do this classroom adoption. I would like for you to take my classroom for your consideration. My students are a diverse group of learners with a range of abilities. We are a Title I school which means that more than 70% of our student population receive free or reduced lunch. I love to bring "magic" and excitement into all of our learning opportunities and I believe that it's important to have a positive relationship with each student in the class. By doing so, they will be motivated to learn and succeed. This is my 16th year being a teacher and I love every part of it. I'm also pursuing my PhD in Curriculum and Instruction and it is my hope to one day bring about positive change to the lives of teachers and students everywhere. Thank you so much for taking my entry into consideration. I wish you the very best always!!!

Elementary Stories said...

I just moved to first grade after many many years in second. My kiddos are just as much in love with all the melon head clipart that I use in everything as my second graders were! They are eager and enthusiastic and just as cute as all your clip art :-) thank you so much for your generosity!-Lisa

Unknown said...

First of all, I LOVE your graphics, and adopting classrooms is an amazing thing for you to do. I have 19 diverse children in my classroom. We are a Title 1 school, so many are low income. I try to bring fun learning experiences to them, and they would be so excited to get anything from you! Thank you for giving back to teachers and their sweet babies, and I would be thrilled to win!

Laura PS said...

I have just moved in order to be closer to my family and to care for my elderly parents.I left a school I had been working in for 21 years!I have been excited,anxious,happy,sad and every emotion in between as I began my adventure in a new town,school and grade!What a great treat it would be to have some fun,exciting and motivating surprises for me and my students! Thanks for considering my class and thanks for all you do for educators!

Miss Wiser said...

I would love a chance to win! My 38 fifth graders are quite a mixed bunch from a small rural area. I am new to the grade and school this year and feel as if I staring all over again. I'd love for us to win so that I can help my students to feel special and so that I can get a little extra help making our classroom feel more inviting and welcoming. I want it to be their home away from home so that they can do their best learning.

Sara said...

Hi! What an awesome giveaway! You are so generous!:)

I was introduced to your adorable graphics by my school's Instructional Technology Coach because we both share a love for all things cute and creative in the classroom! I am a big believer in creating an environment where my kiddos feel safe and excited, and making it a fun place to be with decor is one of my favorite ways to start! This is my 9th year teaching Kindergarten at a Title 1 school in an area where my little ones don't have much. We try to provide school supplies, clothing, and food for them to make sure they are safe, healthy, and happy! This year I have the most challenging group of kids in my career and most of them have zero experience in school and are still in the beginning stages of learning English. I'm making it my mission to make it an amazing year for all of us despite the obstacles we will surely face and I think having our class adopted by you would bring so much joy to my little ones! Nothing makes me happier than to see them smiling and enjoying school and I do everything I can each day to make that happen! For some of them, school is the best part of their day and the only place they feel good. It would be such a fun experience for my students and I to share together!:)

Thank you for all you do!:)


Unknown said...

I'm a fourth grade teacher, and would be so grateful for this opportunity. I try to expose my students to a variety of experiences through fieldtrips, genius hour, stem, and making lasting memories because we are a Title 1 rural school. I think that this opportunity would be a perfect way to expose my students to a technical skill. I already have my students make our newsletters, and teaching them how to use fun beautiful clipart to enhance the process is definitely a life skill. I think this skill could be used in a variety of projects such as making a class yearbook, brochures, county reports, genius hour projects, and so much more. I love that this clipart has so much variety and diversity because it will make their products stand out. Thanks for all you do!

jmac said...

I absolutely love my kids this year; I am already a blessed teacher this year! They work so hard and want to learn and succeed. They celebrate, learn, and work as a team. I love them, and you would to!

Hannah said...

What an incredible gift you are giving! Our classroom would be greatly blessed if adopted by you. We are a first grade classroom with 27 young friends. And not only is this the first year of first grade for these amazing kiddos but also my first year teaching elementary. Our class is amazingly diverse, with different cultures, life stories, and needs. Melonheadz clip art would be a great resource to showcase our diversity. These 27 amazing kids have been through lots in their short lives and every opportunity to show them care, support them, and lift their spirits is wanted and needed. Thank you for this opportunity!

Unknown said...

I have 17 amazing kiddos in my class! Many are from lower or middle income families. This group is phenomenal! I've basically looped with this class- I had them as kindergarten students and now I have them again as second graders. They are a sweet bunch full of personality. I really love them so much, and I'm trying to give them as many special opportunities as possible because they deserve so much

Saddle Up For 2nd Grade said...

I have 23 sweet 1st graders that would love to win a special treat from you. I teach in a small Texas town of about 600 people. My sweet friends are a diverse group of students who work hard and are so eager to learn. Thank you for that you do and choosing to support classrooms across the country.

Unknown said...

EdmaDorisMJaime.....This is an AWESOME opportunity. I am a melonheadz addict. I try to have melons on every worksheet, powerpoints, or activities I prepare for my kiddos. I teach English to kids from K -3rd grade. They love love the melon graphics. Even my classroom has some pictures of melonheadz. It will be great to win this because we spent our own money to have beautiful environment in owr classrooms, so for me it will be GREAT to have something extra to offer to my students. Thank you in advance, no matter if I win or not.��������

Unknown said...

Hello!! I'm a teacher in small town, western Kansas. I have the sweetest group of second graders whom I love to pieces. I love melonheadz, and the kiddos love when the clip art looks like them! Thanks to you! We'd love to win!

JB said...

What a wonderful opportunity! Thanks you so much for hosting this classroom adoption!

I teach at a very small, 50 students, private school in central Illinois. �� We have very limited resources, as the teachers, along with our Booster Club fundraise all year to keep our school open every year. We have successfully done so, and being adopted would not only benefit my classroom, but our school as a whole. I love to decorate our school with your clip art to share the happiness it brings my students. We ❤️ Melonheadz!

Unknown said...

Wow! I teach at a Title I school---most students qualify for free breakfast and lunch.... They don't have a lot....these little first graders would LOVE a surprise like this!!!

Mrs. W said...

How exciting! I teach at a small private school and I KNOW we would all love the things you're offering. I love your graphics and use them all the time. My class recognizes a lot of your characters already!

Anonymous said...

In our 2nd grade classroom, we are focusing on mind growth. Students are learning how to use graphics to enhance their learning. As we are learning, students choose a bridge, icon, to help connect their knowledge with their new information. The children love to draw themselves and Melonhead clip art will give many a vision to work toward. The themes you have drawn are perfect for our class to gain a visual for understanding. We hope you choose our classroom! Thank you for your outreach.

Tina said...

First I must say I love your graphics and your melonheadz font is my favorite to use. I teach at a small Christian school in central Kansas. I began teaching there about 4 years ago, taking over from teacher who had been in the same room for almost 25 years! Although a fantastic teacher, most of her things needed replacing. I have purchased most things on my money, only getting 100 dollars yearly for new items. I have found 2 grants to help. I have created most on my things myself and would love to jazz up my computer creations with your graphics! My kinder kids love the things I have made with the few graphic I have of yours or the items I have picked up on TPT! Blessings in Christ and good luck to all!

Unknown said...

I would LOVE to win this for my class. It is my 5th year teaching and my first year as a permanent teacher! I teach at a small school in Port Lambton Ontario,Canada. I am at a brand new school this year where I know my kiddies would love to get some suprises. I love your graphics and all your teaching resources.

Ashliegh said...

I am a first first grade teacher in the sunshine state! I have 13 littles in my class this year (ESE cluster!) and they are all about graphics and anything that helps them visually. I have used several of your graphics in my classroom and they LOVE seeing them pop up! Not only do I have a sweet group of kids eager to learn and improve in academics, but I also have quite the group of artists in my class this year. My school places a big emphasis on core classes AND the arts. Many of our middle school kids (I'm at a k-8 school) end up transferring or feeding into our big arts school in the district (6-12). Using your graphics in my class has shown my kiddos that they can someday use their artistic talents in the "grown up world" as a profession or just something they simply do on the side for fun. I love promoting the idea in my room that they can be anything they want as long as they work hard and don't give up. Thanks to you and your AWESOME graphics, I know I have kids who want to keep working on their creations. :)

Unknown said...

I teach 20+ little curious Kindergarteners in Southwest Missouri. My students are Title 1 and are mainly English as a Second Language Learners. Your graphics have already made an impact in my classroom. My English Language Learners need pictures to reference to aid in their learning. This opportunity would allow me to use your graphics even more in my classroom and create better designed activities and lessons differentiated for my students' needs. Thank you for opening up this opportunity to so many educators and classrooms!

Sassylittleteacher said...

Ahhh how how amazing is this! I teach in a Title I school in Alabama. I have 15 firsties so far and we already love your graphics! I have them on my bulletin outside, our notebook covers, my lightbox, worksheets, and everything in between! The kids see a Melonheadz on something and say hey that's me! We would love to have more to create more cuteness in our classroom. We would love it more if we could have a class tshirt with them on it. I am unable to purchase all of your graphics, so we would love to win some! Thanks so much for your hard work! :)

katie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hi! I'm a new fan who recently discovered Melon heads. I would so love to win! This is my 10th year of teaching but my first year with kinders. I teach a k-1 combo and currently have 19 students. I work in a small rural school in Northern California. I discovered your graphics over the summer when I was trying to decided how I would make my classroom "kinder friendly" and make the transition down to that grade level. I love your product and so do my students. I would love to add more to my room. Spending so much time and money making that transition when my principal moved me grade levels was hard. He still has no idea how much work it took even though he's seen the results. However your graphics were the little inspiration that helped me change my attitude and get excited. It gave me the motivation to kick start the transformation so thank you!

katie said...

Hello! I would be so over-the-moon thrilled to have my classroom adopted by you this year!! I teach at an amazing private parochial school on the south side of Chicago. In addition to our salaries being significantly less than public schools, it's also so disheartening that we are not eligible for awesome programs that could be such a help to us and are such a help to public school classrooms around the country, especially donors choose. As a result, I spend hundreds (likely thousands if I actually added it all up, but why do that to myself! Haha) of my own dollars on my classroom and my students on my very low salary. I love teaching children and am so grateful to have met and become lifelong friends with many of my families at school, it is also such an amazing experience to be able to teach my young students about faith and all that goes with it. We love Melonheadz in my classroom - in fact, I used frames with a dofferent Melonheadz kids on each one as their locker tags this year. My students were all giggles and smiles on that scary first day as they saw a Melonheadz on their locker that looked just like them - it was too cute! This is such a wonderful idea to adopt 9 classrooms, we are so appreciative of your support of classrooms all over the world. Thank you so much for considering my class in Chicago! You're the best!

Anonymous said...

I'm a fourth grade teacher at a Catholic school. This means that there is little money from the school to buy things for our classrooms, so almost everything in my classroom (even my math manipulatives) were bought by me. I always tell my students that we can have a huge impact on the lives of people we come into contact even by just holding the door for someone or giving a smile. Winning this would be a real life example for my students that we can indeed have HUGE impacts on the lives of others. I LOVE your clip art and my classroom is quickly becoming covered in things made with your clip art. Thanks for this amazing opportunity!!!!

Steven, Deborah, Ryan, Dani and Doggies too! said...

We love everything melonheadz! Our class needs more melonheadz! Our kindergarten class is full of 25 littles that desperately need more sunshine that only melonheadz can bring.

Mrs. Hummel said...

I would love for my students to get this opportunity! I teach in a small rural community. We just finished our first week of second grade. I think this is going to be an amazing year and being a part of this opportunity will only improve it!

Unknown said...

I am a kindergarten teacher with a class of 24 amazing kiddos! I teach at a little one school school district nestled in a cute little country town that consists of our school, a post office, a fire department, and a mom and pop store. Many of my students live on the dairy that their parents work at, and rarely make it anywhere except for school. We have a very close knit community, and our school is a huge part of that.

I love your clip art, and use it on so much that I create for my class. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win something fun for my kids!

Unknown said...

1. I am obsessed with your clip art and forever grateful for your skills! The new "thinkers" are my favorites!
2. My kids would DIE over this surprise! I teach 28 incredible, thoughtful, intelligent third grade students. They come to me with many challenges (poverty, second/third/fourth language, hungry bellies, parents in jail, drugs in the home) but they are so full of light and excited to learn every day. This year, our classroom theme is kindness. We've started the year with a 30-day kindness challenge and are learning how small acts can spread a bit of happiness into the lives of our family, friends and even strangers. I think this would be the ultimate lesson in how one (humongous) act of kindness can impact many. I'm hoping it'll even inspire my students to create their own acts of kindness to keep the chain going.

Whether you choose my class or not, you are spreading kindness to millions of students every day with your adorable designs, and I'm so thankful for that! :)


Unknown said...

P.S. One of my students has started designing "melonheadz" for her classmates and me! Your influence is endless! :)

Unknown said...

I have enlarged kidlettes around my classroom, and the students love them! They will appreciate anything you share as much as I will. We come from a low income school district, so there isn't much money for materials. Thank you so much for this fantastic opportunity.

Unknown said...

Hello! I teach 2nd grade at a title 1 school. Each day my students come in with a smile on their face regardless of the challenges they face at home. I am still a newer teacher and I would love to get more melonheadz to help brighten up my classroom even more. Thank you so much for the opportunity, like I tell my kiddos, KIND is the new cool!

Unknown said...

Hi, I just love Melonheadz. They really reflect the magic that is happening in our classroom. You have a real gift at capturing the varied personalities, ethnicities, talents, and dreams of all children. We are an extremely diverse school with over 40 languages and dialects spoken in the homes of our students. Many are the first generation born in the United States. This makes your diverse Kidlets so precious to us since they can see themselves represented in your illustrations. That sense of acknowledgement and belonging is so powerful for them. Thank you for sharing something that may seem like a simple addition to our classroom to others but means the world to my little people.

Marika's Blog said...

After 13 years of teaching, I have decided to change up everything in my classroom! From the tables they now sit on to the way I use the curriculum. I was in denial this summer about preparing for the new year because I knew I needed to make some changes. It's been quite the struggle but I'm loving the "unknown" atmosphere that comes with these changes. Everyday I find a new reason to appreciate and enjoy the art of teaching! Your graphics are amazing and my studen s would greatly benefit from your generosity.

Unknown said...

Hi, I love Melonheadz clip art and have found that your work often picks me up. This year has been a struggle for me as I am going back to school to pursue my EDS and have a full plate at school. When i get down i often find myself scrolling through your work getting ideas of how i can use it to create engaging activities for our new reading curriculum which is brand new and nothing available on TPT. This has been a challenged I have embraced and am trying to create material. My students are enjoying what have created but want more pictures on it. How cool would it be for them to be able to see a resemblance of themselves on their work! They would absolutely be over the moon, there isn't a better way to get them interested in material than possibly seeing themselves!

Teacher's Cabinet said...

I have 38 third graders this year and I would love to provide each of them more attention. I use your graphics all the time and they love them. Your support with prizes would remind them that even though there are a lot of students, they are all special to me.

Unknown said...

My 23 3rd graders and I would love to have our classroom adopted. Our school was built in the 1920's, and your art has helped me spruce up my classroom/bulletin boards as we eagerly await our new school, which will hopefully be built in the next couple of years.
I also use your clipart in a lot of the resources I have created for my classroom, and the kids always love it. They like to color them when they are done with their work, and they especially like it when I make them bookmarks to go with whatever novel we are reading. :) Finally, this year I have many kids in my room that have been affected by divorce. Some are caught in the middle of it, while others seem pretty well-adjusted. As a child of divorce myself, I feel like I was given this bunch for a reason. They just need a little extra love this year, and I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to be that optimistic, smiling person in their day. :)

Anonymous said...

I have loved using your graphics in my classroom. I teach 2 kinder classes. in a low to moderate socio economic neighborhood in a suburb of Salt Lake. We have the gifted and talented program at our school and then low income. My goal this year is to motivate my kinders that they can do anything and achieve their full potential. Even in kindergarten my team wants to motivate our kiddos to think and set goals to want a higher education or training no matter their circumstances.

Unknown said...

Hi! I teach kindergarten in an urban school that has students from over 50 nations! I love the diversity of your products and how it enables me to make all my kiddos feel special! I'd love the chance to do even more with it. Thanks!

Kristen A. said...

Hi! I teach first grade and LOVE your products and use them all over my classroom! I teach at a Title I school with kids who come from some difficult backgrounds. It's so important to make my classroom an inviting place that my students want to come to every day. In addition, this year I have a special needs student in my class who requires a full time aide and nurse, as well as many other services throughout the week. My other students have fully embraced him and the somewhat chaotic environment that his presence creates. They deserve to be rewarded for looking past his differences!! Would love to win!!

tai said...

I have loved all the graphics you have created!! I would love for my class to be adopted. I currently teach in all inclusion school. I have 17 lovely first graders. I love the students that are in my class this year. I would love to do more project based lessons with my class this year! I know if we were to get adopted my class would really love it!!

Sandie said...

I can't begin to tell you how much I would love to have a classroom environment designed around your graphics. I've worked hard to make our classroom a place that is fun, motivating, and welcoming. Our class should be chosen so that I can make it even more so. It is a special place with children from a variety of cultures. I love teaching and have been in this classroom for 17 years. It needs a new look and a your graphics would be a welcome addition. Thank you for making this happen!

Anonymous said...

I use your graphics all the time. They are perfect to add special touches to newsletters and other classroom tags. I would like to be considered due to the fact that I work with about 40 children who need one on one help in math and reading. They struggle with concepts but once they start to understand it is my greatest reward. All of them suffer from low self esteem, which I constantly reaffirm how special and unique each one of them are. My heart aches for some of their home lives but I tell them everyday that you can't control some of the situations that you are in but you can control how you will react. I love each one of my students and if chosen I know how important it would mean to them. That someone they have never met before cares about them and believes in them as much as I do.

Amy said...

What an amazing opportunity!! I have 21 second graders in my class. Every year my goal is to teach my students to give to others. We try to do several projects throughout the year to show love to others. It would be fabulous if they could receive a loving treat themselves! I adore your graphics and have them everywhere in my room. Not only because they are cute but they make ME happy!
Amy Perry

Anonymous said...

The students in my classroom are special because they are mine. I imagine my message about my students would be just like every teacher's message- simply because every teacher believes his or her class is special.

Melonheadz makes my job, as a teacher, easier because you've already created incredible resources that are worthy of my students, my classroom and my parents.

This is a great idea. I appreciate you thinking of teachers- amazing!!!

Anonymous said...

I am blessed to work in a special education classroom with 12 amazing kiddos. Many of them lack the expressive and receptive language skills needed to clearly articulate their thoughts and ideas. Therefore, I rely HEAVILY on pictures and symbols. Your graphics give me and my students a wonderful medium to work with in order to develop their language skills. It would be such a great addition to our classroom to have more of your graphics available to us. Thank you for your consideration!

Patty said...

I ❤️❤️❤️ your drawings!!! This is my 36th year teaching first grade. My kids keep me young at heart!

Unknown said...

This year is special for me. I chose to loop with my students because many of them do not have much consistency in their lives. I wanted to provide them with a predictable environment where they could continue to feel safe. It was so great to see the excitement on their faces during our annual back-to-school night. I will also be having my first child in November, so I will be leaving them in November for a few months. A personalized gift for each of my students would be perfect during my maternity leave. This would be a great way to let them know that someone out there still cares about them. There are so many deserving classrooms, students, and teachers out there. I am confident in your ability to choose the right one. I just hope we are it! Thank you for all of the great work you do!

Unknown said...

How wonderful is this! I teach 1st in a low income area (title I school). Thank you for the opportunity!

Lori R said...

I teach 20 awesome first graders. I have a treat box where they are rewarded for their behavior and just being kind or helpful to someone. It gets to be expensive so I would love to have you adopt my class so each student can receive a special something from our favorite artist. My class loves your clip art too! It is on a lot of the things we work on or notes that I send home. You bring smiles to my class and me! Thank you for doing the adopt a class each year!

Unknown said...

I would first like to say, I LOVE your graphics!!! I have a class full of diverse students. One of the many things that I love about your graphics is there are all ethnicities which makes creating products nice. I have received compliments about using your graphics that incorporate all ethnicities. My students love products with your graphics, and of course I do TOO!!!

I love when they say, "this graphic looks like me." It makes them feel connected and special. Many of them feel that the product was made just for them because they look like the graphic. This makes me happy. My goal as a teacher is to make each student feel special and important. Many of these students come from very low income families that face many hardships. They are special to me and everything I do it to help them feel special and important. I feel that your graphics help me do that. Whether it's for Valentine's day and I create a personalized card for them using Melonheadz graphics, or it's back to school labels for all their supplies. Melondheadz just makes everything BETTER!

Melonheadz graphics just make any worksheet or product come to life. I would love to be adopted by you!! Thank you and Happy Sunday!

Rachel Lamb said...

I think my class should win because gosh darnit, they need some joy in life! I teach in a tiny low income area where Walmart is about the most exciting place to go. We need some melon-love!

xoxo, Rachel

tobi :) said...

Nikki...first of kind of you to spread live worldwide like this. Your compassion for the world is one reason I keep coming back for Melonheadz. I teach in the largest title one school in my district. Two years ago, my district underwent one of the largest school closing in its history and I as well as every other elementary teacher and student were shuffled around Luke a deck of poker cards. I had latched onto Melonheadz two years before the move. When I started my new classroom at my new school, your Melonheadz graphics went into EVERYTHING I created for my new students and it brought me so much comfort as I was grieving for my old school, my old friends and my old school culture. But as I began creating resources for my new tribe, they began to fall in love. My new teacher peeps beg me to make them the cute stuff and my kiddos love to cor their work when they finish because the graphics are so adorable, even the boys. Because here's the thing about Melonheadz, you can always find one that's "just like you!". Whether by chance or if you had one made in your likeness, there's a Melonheadz for all. My students have been through a lot, NOW, they are going through the hiring of a new principal unexpectedly, so having a little extra love from "that sweet friend of Mrs. Sadler's who draws the kids" would make such a difference for them. They are such a,sweet bunch of kiddos and so very deserving. Much love and thanks to you on this beautiful Labor Day Weekend Nikki.

Carmen Ferrer said...

Hola Nikki !!! Me anima a escribirle el hecho de que pueden participar escuelas de "todo el mundo", aunque soy consciente de que mi desconocimiento de su idioma será un impedimento, no quiero dejar pasar esta oportunidad de que usted apadrine mi clase. Este curso empiezo con mis niños y niñas de 3 años, será toda una aventura muy especial ya que somos un grupo muy reducido, 14 alumnos, la crisis económica empieza a reflejarse en los nacimientos en España durante los anteriores años. Me encantaría que usted se fijase en mi comentario y decidiese premiarnos. No soy buena con el ingles pero utilizo muy bien el traductor, jajaja. Deseo felicitarla por su talento ya que todas sus creaciones son fantásticas.
Espero que mi clase sea tocada por su magia. Gracias, Carmen Ferrer

Unknown said...

I returned to teaching this year after three years at home with my babies. I was lucky enough to land another teaching job, however this time at a very small Catholic school in Louisiana.

I am the only teacher in 2nd grade and I have 15 kids in my class - 13 of whom have been together since Preschool. As the newbie - to the school, and more importantly, to my kids - I have been thrilled to see how welcome they've made me feel. From helping me with school routines, to acknowledging my newfangled Virginia-based teaching styles, these kids have been ready to jump in to 2nd grade with me and I couldn't be happier.

I'd love to acknowledge them and their hard work throughout the year! Thank you for offering us an opportunity to enter - what a kind and generous heart you have!

Wendy said...

WOW!!! I love reading about all these fabulous teachers and their classrooms. My Fantastic Firstie class has 21 students. We are in a rural area and do a lot of our own fundraising as we do not receive the funding that other schools do in our parish. I have done a couple of Donors Choose projects to develop a classroom library and alternative seating for students. I discovered Melonheadz through another first grade teacher. I spent this summer learning how to use the clip art for classroom projects and now I'm addicted to Melonheadz!!! My students complete station rotations and are able to identify what they are going to accomplish by locating the fun Melonheadz characters and pictures. We've only been in school a few weeks and I love this class. They have already proven they are ready to learn. I just want to make sure they have a fun environment to learn and grow. I'm excited for an unforgettable year!! Your Melonheadz will help us make fun memories.

Shelley W. said...

Oh how I would love to win this! I teach 22 precious third graders at a wonderful Title I school in East Texas. I ADORE Melonheadz, and use them in many things for my classroom. I know my students would flip over winning this. Thank you for giving us this great opportunity.


The teacher next door said...

I would like to nominated Kaitlin Chernikoff to win your things, she is a talented new third grade teacher. She was my student teacher and would make wonderful use of your creations. As a beginning teacher on a very limited budget, this would be a blessing to receive.
Her email is
Terry Yordan

Bunny said...

I don't even have a class room. I think it's really nice what you are doing to give back to teachers and children and to the community in general.

I've always liked your images. I remember the Christmas elves you gave away. They were so cute.

I unfortunately had a problem with our computer a few years ago and they are gone.

Unknown said...

Wow! This would be awesome. Your graphics put a smile on my face. My 24 kindergarteners would love it!

KK said...

We are a tiny Catholic school - 150 kids down under in rural Australia! Though small in size we are big in heart! Would love to add more smiles to my kiddos.

The Bender Bunch said...

First off, let me begin by saying this is such a kind act you are doing for students and teachers!! Thank you! My students totally deserve to have an opportunity like this! They don't have many opportunities available to them. My students are all special needs students ranging from a multitude of disabilities. They come from low-income families and are very underprivileged! Because they are special needs, they don't have friends. They don't get to experience what it's like to be invited to a birthday party, what it's like to have a sleepover or a friend over, much less what it would be like to receive a special package in the mail! They are very grateful children! To win would absolutely put some huge smiles on their faces and truly make the day of some amazing kids!

Unknown said...

I teach 32 diverse kindergarten students in the high desert of California. Some of these students come to school with emotional problems and often times are in foster care. I try my best to make my classroom feel like a home to them. This year I've incorporated some of your graphics into my classroom rules and welcome sign. I only wish they were larger. It makes me smile to see my students happy in our classroom. I know my kids love these cute diverse graphics looking back at them. I would love to be one of the winners to inherit your wonderful graphics to bring more joy in my classroom. Thank you for sharing this wonderful talent😊

Fluttering Through First Grade said...

Hiya Nikki! We have a unique situation in where we job share our classroom and have for the past 14 years! We are constantly finding new ways to explore curriculum since two heads are better than one! We have adopted a new math program this year and will be looking for ways to supplement because there isn't a lot of hands on learning. We would love to be chosen as one of your classrooms. We're kinda HUGE Melonheadz fans as your know... :)
~Christy & Tammy

Shana said...

I just moved schools and grades. I am teaching 20 precious Kindergarteners this year. I am making all kinds of new goodies for my new grade level and I would love to incorporate Melondheadz into my classroom more. I love Melonheadz!!

Kim said...

I am sure every teacher writing to you is worthy of receiving your precious artwork and talents. This year will mark my 23rd year of teaching and to be honest a year of new beginnings, I hope. Last year was my roughest year EVER. It took every ounce of my being to get up out of bed and go to work. For more than 2 decades my work was my passion; however, the behaviors in my classroom, lack of support from admin and parents made my job a job and sucked the passion out of me. June could not come soon enough. Summer was a time to renew myself and passion.
I am happy to say that this year is a new year and a year of new attitudes. I saw on a Pinterest pin a bulletin board that said " be the reason someone smiles today". I have taken that message to heart this school year. I even made a large bulletin board with that saying in my school hallway for all students and faculty to read and think about.
Your classroom adoption would bring a large smile to me and my students in NJ. Fingers are crossed.

Thank you for sharing your passion with us.

Creative Undertakings said...

I am OBSESSED with Melonheadz and my class is coming to love them too. I decorate my class with them, use them for all my labels and binders, and constantly have use for them. I teach sixth grade and they're never too old for these. I have 120 kiddos and to have a special thing for them would be lovely!

Anisa @ Creative Undertakings

Wright's Rippers said...

First things first, thank you for such an amazing opportunity. Fingers crossed we win...

After 23 years I took the plunge to become the 1st special area STEM teacher in our county. I work with all 773 students at a neighborhood school in Port Orange, FL Why should we be picked? Since it is at random our fingers are crossed and maybe we are lucky case you need another reason why not to create and be a part of something BIG. I am blogging about our STEM journey and our district will be watching and hopefully more STEM special areas will become available to the many other children out there. We need a future of problem solvers and I hope to get our journey started with you! Good luck to everyone and congrats early to the lucky 9!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodnesssssssss this would be great for me and my amazing kinders. Our title one school has very little extra money so the idea of them getting a surprise already warms my heart! ��

barefoot said...

I teach better and my students learn better when surrounded by cuteness and what graphics are cuter than Melonheadz??? None!!! I would love for my classroom to win so that we could enjoy the uplifting and adorable graphics all year!

Anonymous said...

My class is so special! I teach 3rd Grade to 18 wonderful students. We have only experienced one week of school so far, but they care so much about helping others or their classroom. This summer, I worked on adding Melonheadz to my classroom decor. I would LOVE to add more to my classroom. It creates such a welcoming and happy environment. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Unknown said...

I would love for you to adopt out classroom. I teach in a high poverty, high minority school. My students often are more worried about their next meal than learning. But I make sure they know I love them. I have spend my 17 years in this school. Many don't stay long I want to make a difference. I want to be that smile that the child needs. That hug that makes all the difference. And my classroom safe where they can escape their problems and get excited about learning. I know all ckassroom are deserving and I know it will be hard to decide. Thanks for giving back. You are truly inspirational.

The Pilimai's said...

I am an Inclusion Pre-K teacher at a Title 1, Tier 1 school. Honestly, I would love for Melonheadz to adopt our classroom for many of the reasons other amazing teachers have stated previously. I too have amazing students who would benefit from your gracious generosity, I wish there were more organizations out there as yours. Your creations add a "fun and creative" spin in our classroom and newsletters for families. Thanks for all you do!

Karen F. said...

My class so far this year consists of 17 second graders :-) I teach in a Title 1 school in an extreme poverty area. I have a few of your kidlets around my classroom and the kiddos respond so positively to them <3 I would love to incorporate more of them into my room!! To win this would absolutely make their year!! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this amazing giveaway!!

Unknown said...

First of all, I love your work and think this is an incredibly generous thing that you do for teachers. Thank you for supporting us! I had you draw a Melonheadz "me" this summer and absolutely love it, perhaps too much! It's all over the place in my classroom! ;) I get so many complements from staff and parents, and my 24 2nd graders think it's the greatest. For our student work bulletin board I surprised them by picking out kidlettes that are very similar to my each of them in appearance. They loved guessing who each one was! They would think it was the absolute best if you were to adopt our classroom, and it would make a great birthday gift, as my birthday is on the 8th!

Michelle W. said...

I am a bilingual special Ed early childhood teacher. I can have up to 20 students from ages 3-5. My kids are amazing! I use a lot of clipart to create adapted material in Spanish for my kiddos! All the visuals are great for helping with communication and understanding.

Thanks for this great opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I teach at a rural school in Kansas. I teach 1st grade and have 15 students. As with everyone else resources are very limited. I try to sell a little on TPT in order to afford resources from TPT for my classroom. I admire your work so much. All images you produce are unique and different. I appreciate your talent in drawing. Some products that I like are the create a teacher packet and I wonder how teachers get a melonhead for each student. I have been eyeing the teacher packet for a while. My students would love to have a melonhead just like them too. I use resources with clip art and make my own resources with clip art for my kids. The visuals are great for my firsties that can't read quite yet. Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity.

Self-Contained Smiles said...

First of all, thank you so much for this opportunity. It's amazing enough to offer anything at all, but nine classrooms is incredible!

I work in a special ed school, and it is truly the most amazing school I have ever been in. Once I was there, I knew I never wanted to leave. After waiting for three years for a teaching position to open up at my school, someone finally retired, and I was lucky enough to be chosen for job.

Of course, I'm incredibly excited, but also nervous! I love making my own resources, especially since I have students on levels from pre-K to fourth grade. They really need things to be differentiated, and your graphics are perfect for perking up worksheets! I want to do everything I can for them. New ideas are constantly coming to me...I have to put a notepad by my bed so when I wake up every half hour, I can write the ideas down and actually remember them in the morning. :)

I've also been scouring thrift stores and garage sales to find materials to use in the classroom since I'm on a tight budget (as so many of us are!).

Once again, thank you for providing this opportunity, and good luck to everyone!

Unknown said...

What an amazing offer! I am sure there are a lot of extremely excited teachers out there just hoping and wishing they might get chosen, and I am no exception. We all work hard, we all try our very best to make it all about the sweet munchkins we teach each day and I am certain each of us deserves this. I am no better than any other teacher posting tonight, and my kiddos while amazing are just as awesome as all the other fine classes out there. I am just hoping maybe we may just get chosen because it is our turn for something wonderful to happen this year! We are all crossing our fingers and toes...

Jillian said...

Well, where do I start? I am at a whole new place in my career this school year and I am completely grateful for it. I have moved from a very wealthy school in an amazing neighborhood to a title 1 school this year and changing grade levels after 8 years in kindergarten. My students wear the same 5 outfits and don't come to school if it's raining because they don't have a ride or their clothes are too dirty. All I want to do is hug each and every one of them and bring them home with me. I feel blessed that I am trusted to care for them this school year. I would like to make this year the best year for them so they can bring the memories with them through the tough times and push them to finish school and have a good career that will provide for them and their families.

Jillian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah P. said...

I would love to win this for my students! I teach at a private Christian school in Japan. Since it is a ministry, I don't have much spending money to get fun things for my students (thankfully they have the equivalent of dollar stores here). I teach 18 second graders and I'm just getting to know them since we just started back last week! 2/3 of my students are boys, so I decorated a bit boyish, I would love to be able to add some of your graphics to my class to make it a bit cuter for the girls ;) Thank you for opening up the giveaway worldwide this year!


Unknown said...

Hello! I'm a first year teacher at a public school in Louisiana. I teach second grade. I have tons of your stuff posted all over my classroom. I've gotten so many compliments from other teachers. I don't have to tell you that teaching is hard work, but it's brutal some days. On those days, I can look around my room and see those sweet faces that you've shared with us and my day gets a little brighter. I would love for you to adopt my classroom. The other teachers may accuse me of just showing off then! I truly love your work!

Unknown said...

Bonjour. Je suis une enseignante du Québec. J'enseigne à Rosemère à l'école Alpha en première année. J'aimerais bien être choisie parce que comme toutes les autres mes élèves le mérite car ils sont adorables. J'adore faire du matériel avec vos images pour eux. Elles sont tellement belles. Merci beaucoup si nous sommes choisi et qu'elle bonne idée pour les chanceux! Bonne année scolaire. Marie-Claude Lavigne

Unknown said...

Bonjour. Je suis une enseignante du Québec. J'enseigne à Rosemère à l'école Alpha en première année. J'aimerais bien être choisie parce que comme toutes les autres mes élèves le mérite car ils sont adorables. J'adore faire du matériel avec vos images pour eux. Elles sont tellement belles. Merci beaucoup si nous sommes choisi et qu'elle bonne idée pour les chanceux! Bonne année scolaire. Marie-Claude Lavigne

Unknown said...

I teach grade 2 in a French school in Ontario, Canada. My 19 students would love to win! I love using your cliparts in the classroom! Thanks, Celine Gingras

mas said...

Hi- I teach in an urban, charter school in Columbus, Ohio. It has limited resources. Your clipart would add some much needed novelty to our classroom. I would love to use it for anchorcharts, to decorate our poem charts and for wherever else I need to make a sign. Thank you for your great work.

Susan K. said...

Hello! Thank you for this amazing opportunity! First, my students and everyone else LOVE my Melonhead. I write a Morning Message on my interactive whiteboard every day, and your clipart would make my messages more colorful and fun.

Christina said...

Omg! 9 classrooms this year, wow! I think this is my third year entering and I would love to win a month! My 20 students see your graphics everyday on their reading and math center labels plus their library book labels as well. I teach at a high poverty school and my students would love to be spoiled with a package.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is an amazing gift. I have 21 second graders in my class of all levels. I feel like all students are forced to perform at a level they are not ready for. School is not always a fun place to be. It is sad for these 7 and 8 year olds.i want my students to want to learn and be excited about school! Using your clip art to make things could add that excitement and fun to my classroom. I am all about encouraging my students to try and not give up. I could use your clip art to motivate and refresh their young minds!

i'm sarah said...

HI! I love love your melonheadz! They are so cute. I would love to win this giveaway. I live in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where we were just hit with a major no name flood. It has destroyed a large portion of our school's neighborhood and my students could really use a little bright and cheery pick me up. We started school and I met my students for 2 days and then the floods hit and we haven't been able to go back until tomorrow. Winning this would bring some much needed fun to my classroom. Fingers crossed!

Ruthanne said...

Wow! What a great gift!!
I teach kids with emotional/behavior disorders. We have a superhero theme and I use your superhero graphics all over the room. Each of my students have personalized labels on everything they use with their name and one of your superhero graphics that looks like them. They love them!
Thank you so much for this opportunity!

1stgradefireworks said...

I work in a Low socioeconomic Title 1 school...99% FREE lunch! My 25 first graders WORK SO HARD! They are the kindest little people... They LOVE their MELONHEADZ Brag Tags & wear them on their monthly TAKE HOME Necklaces..PROUDLY! I would LOVE to share MORE with them! Thank YOu for your hard work, & your generosity! Hugs to all! Wendy McCarty 1stgradefireworks

Mrs. Fischer said...

Hi Nikki! Thank you for this opportunity! I teach kindergarten, which I believe is pretty special in itself, but there are some amazing things that happen in my classroom that make it even more special! I have dual certification - regular education AND special education - and my classroom is a mixture of students with all different abilities. This year my classroom includes students that are on the Autism spectrum, that are OHI and that have Downs Syndrome, as well as students that speak multiple languages! We focus on building a positive classroom community where everyone is included and feels safe to learn and grow. We have some other special things going on in our room, as well. We have special time built in to our schedule for STEAM. We make sure to encourage cooperative learning and 'thinking outside the box'. We are very fortunate to have received a grant that allows us to have a SMARTtable in our classroom! We spend time building and exploring and being creative in our problem solving in projects throughout the week. We also take a different approach to introducing letter sounds and beginning reading, by using a system similar to sign language called Tucker Signing Strategies, which has a sign for each sound in our language. This approach allows for students to learn in the way that best suits them, whether that be auditory, physical, verbal, or all of the above! And although I feel all of these things make our classroom pretty great, one of the things that I love best is that even with all of the academic pressure that has tried to take over kindergarten these days, in our classroom we are still sure to allow our kids to have plenty of time to PLAY and learn all of the social negotiations that will take them far in life!
We have a SUPER KID theme in our classroom and use your amazing work to help highlight all of the things that SUPER KIDS can do. Thank you so much for this opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I would love to have you adopt my classroom this year! I teach 1st grade in Riverton, Utah to 20 inquisitive kids. I have just started using and creating brag tags as a motivator in my classroom. Your graphics would be a great addition to help encourage my kids to keep working hard.

Mary Yackey said...

HI! I have a wonderful class of 11 First Graders in a small Catholic school! My former students loved when they would get to color your images or use them when we make cards to send to the elderly, the homebound and the military. I have used your images to create personalized birthday cards for my students. Most things I create include your awesome work! I would love a chance to have even more opportunities to share your smiles with my students! Thanks for considering our class!

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