Sunday, September 7, 2014

I’m so excited to be teaming up with my favorite freebie-friends for a BIG giveaway to help get you going this school year! Over at the Freebielicious blog, we’re giving away a BIG, GRAND PRIZE (scroll down to the bottom of this post to read all about it!) and right here on my little blog, I’m giving away $25.00 to my store to go school shopping!
You can shop because you can buy anything that was ever created and you by me don’t even have to leave your house OR get dressed. Ha! I'm all about keeping my jammies on as long as possible!
 We’re almost to the giveaway, I promise!):

(Yeah.... that's me!)

Please enter with integrity! I’ll choose a winner a week from today, at random.
But, wait! That’s not ALL!
The Freebielicious ladies know how much of your own hard-earned money goes into buying supplies, tissues, books, and classroom décor to get your classroom “kid-ready,” and we want to be able to put some of that money right back in your pocket. Over at the Freebielicious blog, we are giving away a $300 Visa gift card! YES…YOU READ THAT RIGHT! $300!!!
To enter the BIG GIVEAWAY, click HERE or on the button below!

Also, while you are there, be sure to check out what the other Freebie-ladies are giving away. Be prepared for some AMAZING prizes. Take a peek at some of them below!

Don't miss out my friends!



Lori R said...

Thank you and Freebielicious for the back to school giveaways! I love your new Lucy Doris! How cute!

Jonathan and Cheri said...

I like random drawings mostly when there aren't that many entrIes . . . yet ;)

We Teach Like A Rockstar said...

I would LOVE to win this giveaway! I cannot get enough Melonheadz Clip Art!!! Amber ~ Kindergarten Rocks Blog

Unknown said...

I would love to win! But I don't see the rafflecopter! Did I miss something?

Melissa O'Bryan said...

Please count me in for the $25 giveaway. I hope I win, I hope I win. :)

Wild About Fifth

Melissa O'Bryan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I would looove to win!! Thank you for all you do!

Ms. O said...

I <3 all headz Melon! Thanks!

Ms.Hamm said...

I absolutely love all of your creations!!! Absolutely AMAZING!!


Yvonnee said...

Thanks for the opportunity! yvonneeyrg@gmailDOTcom

Unknown said...

I'd LOVE to win $25 to your shop! I adore your work!

Terri said...

I don't see a rafflecopter entry so I am assuming we leave a comment :) I am addicted to your clip art so this is the perfect giveaway for me!!!
Terri's Teaching Treasures

Primary Planet said...

Whoopie! I need $25 of new Melonheadz! Thank you!
Second Grade is Out of This World!

Jill Hatcher said...

I would love to win so I can start whittling away my wish list. :)

alwayskindergarten said...

This is so exciting! Thanks for the chance.

D said...

I would love to win this giveaway! Thank you for your generosity. :)

Unknown said...

I'd love to win the $25 gift certificate!! What an awesome giveaway! :)


Anonymous said...

I'd love to win!

Dani Lynch said...

$25 would help feed my melonheadz addiction even more!! :p

Christa Swaney said...

Would love to win!! Your graphics are amazing!!


Yukari said...

I don't see a Rafflecopter either so I'm hoping leaving a comment is the way to enter! I can't get enough Melonheadz clip art so I reaaaaallly hope I win ;)

Denise said...

Woot woot! I am a new Melonheadz fan! Love your work! and I would double love to win some $$$ to spend on fab clipart!

Caitlyn Delaney said...

I would be so happy to win a gift card to your shop!!! Hope this counts as my entry :) And I love the freebie of the day- Lucy is very cute!

-Caitlyn (

L Moore said...

A chance to win $25 worth of Melonheadz? Yes, please!

Amanda P said...

Love the new clip art! Precious! And a chance to win... yea! Amanda P :)

Unknown said...

I would love to win. I'm an addict for sure :)

A Teaspoon of Teaching

stampngrl2 said...

You are so amazingly talented! Just love your artwork! I'd love a chance to win!

One Sharp Bunch by Ashley Sharp said...

LOVE all your clipart, and Lucy...Don't even get me started! She is adorable! Thanks for the freebie and for teaming up for the giveaway!

One Sharp Bunch

Unknown said...

Love your stuff!

Ashley Sanderson said...

Love this giveaway! Fingers crossed!


Unknown said...

Thanks for a chance to win some shopping money for your store--what fun!

Carolyn said...

Love your clipart!

Unknown said...

I love your clip art and hope to win your giveway.

Creating Teaching Inspiring said...

I would love to win, now that its football season, it is officially time for me to create, and my bf to watch football! haha

The Chocolate Teacher said...

Wow- this would be an awesome prize! I'd love a gift certificate to buy YOUR products! Carol

tobi :) said...

I would love to win $25 to spend on

Kourtney Payton said...

I would love to win! I adore your cute clips!


Mrs. Payton's Precious Kindergarteners

My Teacher Desk said...

Would love to win anything from you!

Pauline Pretz said...

I couldn't find the rafflecopter so I hope this is how we enter.

Sue Lattea said...

I love your clip art! I would love to win!


Stephanie said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I will be super happy if I win! :)


Unknown said...

I would love to win. Thanks ladies

Unknown said...

I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win your giveaway!!! Thanks for the opportunity!!!

Unknown said...

I would love to win! You are fabulous! :)

Amy said...

I would love to win!!

Krystal said...

Not sure how to enter so hopefully this comment counts :) love everything in your store!!

Cherie said...

My wishlist keeps getting longer because of the new graphic sets you release almost daily! I own several of your graphics but I'm addicted to it so need to buy more! $25 to your store would be awesome to sin!

Unknown said...

Count me in ! I love everything you do. :)

Michelle Jolley said...

I saw you in Las Vegas ... You were such an inspiration!

BAE said...

Not sure if it's too late, but I love your work!

Holly Byram said...

I love your clip art and would love to win this give away!

Unknown said...

I would absolutely love to win!!

Lindsey Nihart said...

I would so love to win! Thanks for hosting!

Melissa said...

What a great giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win. You ladies are all fabulous.

Jungle Learners TpT Store
Jungle Learners FB
Jungle Learners Blog

Erika said...

Oh my gosh, I'd LOVE to win! I've admired your clip art for longer than I've known about melonheadz :)
Wahoo! Thanks for the giveaway!
reyesremarkablerants at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I didn't see a raffle app, but I'd love to be in the running!

Anonymous said...

I am CRAZY in love with your creative doodles!! I am also one of your newest followers...Thanks so much! :)

catherine said...

I hope this post brings me enough luck to win $25 worth of your adorable clipart. Wishing myself luck!


Unknown said...

I would love to win some Melonheadz bucks! Eek! Fingers crossed!

The Super Sparkly Teacher

Markisha said...

Love your work. Please enter me in the gift card giveaway.

Unknown said...

Love all of our clip art!!

Katie Nussbaum said...

Your clip art is so cute! I would love to win!

Joyfully Teaching said...

I love your products! Thank you for the giveaway!!

Unknown said...

I can't see the rafflecopter box, so I'm leaving a comment. I LOVE everything you do.

Laura S said...

I would love to win this! As Kid President would say, "You're Awesome!" I love that you create such fun art and do so many fun giveaways! Thank You!

Unknown said...

I would love to win and I love Lucy Doris! What a cutie! :)

Julie Davis said...

I would love to win!!!!! Love all of your stuff!!!

Jen said...

Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I would love to win!! Thank y'all for all the chances! :)