Wednesday, July 17, 2013

An answer to a question:)

Today I was asked to tell how I started sharing my drawings by Miss Gwyn.
This is a story I don't often tell, some of you may understand, and some of you might think I'm a giant nut job,lol. I have decided to risk it... cause, well.... I am a nut job,lol.

Our family went through a really rough time. Like a lot of others money was extremely tight... 
We were having some issues with one of our children, which in turn took our financial issues to past the bottom of the barrel status, and she decided she wanted to live in a different home... We had lost our only truck, and eventually our home as a result. Both of
my parents had passed away from cancer within 7 months to the day of each other. It was truly one of the lowest points in my life. Looking back, I'm surprised that I made it. We all have times like that.... then you look back and are amazed at the strength you had.

Anyway.... One month we didn't have enough in our account to pay some of our bills. We had to 
ask our church for help. That was really hard. I don't accept help well, I'm much better at being the helper,lol. While we were visiting with our "pastor" , (Mormons call them Bishops), we asked him to pray with us. Those who are thinking back to the nut job status may want to skip this,lol. I asked him to ask Heavenly Father to help us become self sufficient, so that we could provide for our family. The following day I had the thought that I should start a blog. I thought this was really stupid, because I didn't really even know what a blog was, let alone how to start one. Well, it wouldn't go away. Finally I sat down and figured it out. I wanted to somehow bring my parents into the blog as well.... that's where the name melonheadz came from. (When I was little, my dad always said he was going to "thump my melon",lol.) I started out scanning in my drawings and coloring them in my paint program. The were a little sad, and not at all professional, but to my surprise, I had a few followers! About 2 weeks after that, I got noticed by
and I had 2000 views in one day!!!!! I about had a heart attack!

Along the way there have been many small blessings, and big ones too. People have been brought into my life to suggest and prod, and nag (lol!) me onto my path. My friend James taught me how to use the computer programs that I use now. He is awesome! He even would process my drawings for me, just out of the goodness in his heart. I just couldn't afford the software. And then one day, I found out that my neighbor John, worked for the company that makes the software I use! Weird right? He got me the $1200 software package, for about 1/6th of that price. I couldn't believe it! Once I figured it out, (It takes me a total of 4 programs to make a usable image.... I'm sure there's an easier way,lol) my graphics were a much better quality. Miss Rachelle (I get to meet her next month!!!) talked me into an etsy shop... Miss Penny talked me into a TPT shop... Not to mention Miss Natalie and all of her suggestions! And Misty and Erika from HBBD, I wish I could list everyone by name. And my family!!! 

Now you can see why I cherish each and everyone of you. I thank you for your continued support,
friendship, opportunities, and love. Your suggestions and comments mean the world to me. 
Thank you for helping me fulfill my dream.



Mich said...

Thank you for sharing the miracles that have come into your life. It furthers my testimony that God completely knows us and what we need in our lives (although it isn't always what we want or what we think we need).

Christine said...

It's amazing what can happen in our lives when we give it all to God! Thanks for sharing your testimony. I'm glad I follow your blog :)

Preslar's Place

Fourth Grade Flipper said...

I just about broke down reading your heartwarming story! You are an inspiration to so many and bless you for sharing your talents with others and continuing to give!! God Bless! :)
Fourth Grade Flipper

Deanne Saunders said...

Wow! Great story!!! Glad you shared it!

Donna Nuce said...

Your story brought tears to my eyes. We never know what plans God has for us do we? Thank you for sharing it!

Diane R said...

What a great story! It's amazing that God's answer comes in such surprising ways! I'm so happy that things worked out for you :)

Fifth in the Middle

My Teacher Desk said...

Thank you for sharing your story!
I know you have been a blessing to my life and a blessing to others. Your work has really improved in such a short time.
It's inspiring to hear how just a small thought changes your life!
Dee Ann

Michele said...

Thank you so much for sharing your story and your clipart! You can just tell from your work what a genuine person you are.
Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

iamdiamondmom said...

That is such a great story of how God provides an opportunity to make something good out of something sad or tragic. I love your clipart and I appreciate you opening up yourself to share this story.

Charlene/Diamond Mom
Diamond Mom's Treasury

Cecelia said...

God is so good! I am always amazed how He works all things for our good. Sometimes we think, "Really, God?" but it always turns out well. Love your story and praise God! Thanks for sharing!

Jamie said...

Nikki! Thank you for sharing your story. You are so strong and so talented. You have been a blessing to my life and the products I create - and I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way! I adore you and your images! xoxo

Amber O. said...

Wow, Nikki, your testimony is amazing! I am so glad you shared that with all of us; i would have supported your company anyway because I love your style, but I'm even more happy to be your customer knowing the adversity you've overcome, and the success you're experiencing as a result of your faith in our Loving Father!! Thank you for blessing us with your story!

Suze said...

Thank you for sharing your story Nikki. I'm so glad that you had such strength to get through those tough times. May you continue to share your art with us.

Eileen Griffin said...

God always has a plan! It's just up to us to say yes and walk down His path. I am glad you did!

Penny Waddingham said...

Thank you for sharing your story and of course, your talent. I needed the reminder today, that God has a plan for everything.

Penny W.

Gwyn said...

Thank you for sharing how you got started and your talents with all of us. Gwyn

Kathy said...

Nikki...I am so glad that this venture of yours has been a blessing to your family! I continue to love your art! Today I just found out that a friend on a new blog venture is a neighbor of yours. I feel blessed by both of you!


Miss May said...

Wow Nikki what a true blessing!! This is why your clip art is so my favorite!!


Anonymous said...

TY for following God's suggestion! I am blessed by your blog every time I visit - which is daily.

TY again & be abundantly blessed in everything your heart prods you to do!

D :)

Molly said...

I'm so glad Heavenly Father was looking out for you & yours! He truly does work in mysterious ways :) You deserve ALL of your success! I adore your work...and now you even more for sharing your story! xo

Lucky to Be in First

Unknown said...

Awe!! I Love it!!! :)

Krystal said...

thanks for sharing this little piece of you... I'm so excited to meet you next month! I adore your darling clip art and am glad you're around to help us make our products look so good! :)

Jen R said...

wow! what an amazing story to share, to be able to share that takes strength!

Patricia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
primary practice said...

Nikki, you are an inspiration, a reminder of how important it is to follow the voice inside us, telling us to move in a certain direction. You have amazing strength and talent, and a generous heart. Blessings to you and your family always. Thank you. :)


Kathy said...

WOW! What an amazzzzzzing journey you have had. I thank you for your wisdom and smiles that you send through your drawings. I can't help but smile when I see them- I guess that must be why I am obsessed with post them all over my classroom- for THOSE days- heehee. Anyway, thanks Nikki, xo, Kathy

Beach Sand and Lesson Plans said...

Wow Nikki! Thank you for trusting your followers with such a personal story! So beautiful! I love purchasing and using your wonderful artwork. I'm always on the look out of what is next!
Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

Crafting Vicky said...

wow god does work in mysterious ways!!! But he is there when you need him most!!! How fabulous! thank you for sharing this story with us. And it's awesome that you have been so strong through all this!

Crystal @Primary on the Prowl said...

Wow! That is a phenomenal story. Thank you so much for sharing!

My Kinder-Garden

Unknown said...

Wow that's a beautiful story Nikki & you're a beautiful person! Wishing you all good things in life :)

Science for Kids Blog

Rhonda said...

What a a warm and beautiful story.
It was so brave of you to tell your story. You have been blessed with a wonderful talent, obviously God's plan for you.
I love your work and I wish you all the best, you have certainly touched my heart.

Classroom Fun

Oak Pond SC said...

Thank you for sharing your testimony Nikki! You are an amazing artist and a wonderful human being. Hugs and happy crafting. -Kim

Mrs. Nicolau said...

Nikki!!! Thank you for sharing your amazing story... I am so glad you followed your heart! Thank you for keeping creating such great products that help others in many different ways... God bless you and your family :) thank you again for all you do!!!

Emily Thubbron said...

What an amazing story of God and His provision. I love to "hear" stories like this. It not only encourages me, but bolsters my faith as well. Our family has been struggling financially also and I would love to find somewhere to sell my cards, but so far, nothing has opened up. God bless you, Nikki. You are an inspiration.

Markisha said...

I love this, and I want it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your story! I can't wait to meet you next month.

Terri Izatt

Anchored In Literacy said...

What a touching story! I am not good at receiving help either.
You done good! Real, real good!
I am proud of your accomplishments and your ability to get through your low points and come out shining.
Inspiring, to say the least.
I LOVE your products and have just started purchasing this summer...

Karen H said...

Love the mystery boxes!

~Shari said...

A great inspirational story Nikki! Thanks for sharing. There are angels everywhere in this challenging human experience.

Unknown said...

Wow Nikki - what an amazing story from a very talented lady. All I can say is what goes around, comes around............and it's certainly your time to receive.


Karen x

Maria Eshman said...

What a beautiful story. We all walk the path HE has in place for us and your path is an amazing one! I enjoy all the images you put out and the stories that follow them. :)


KT Fit Kitty said...

What an inspiring story - thank you so much for sharing it. God does work in mysterious ways!

Paula S. said...

Truly an inspiring story Nikki and I want you to know that I am certain that you give a lot of hope to quite a few people who can relate to your story. Bless you!

Learning with Mrs. Brinn said...

What a wonderful story to share. I am sorry you had to go through those rough times, but what an inspiration. Thank you for sharing! Your illustrations are so fun! They bring smiles to those who see them! I use them when presenting to my students and fellow educators.

Learning With Mrs. Brinn

Unknown said...

I had no idea how much work went into one image! Thank you so much for working so hard. Your images are so cute, they always put a smile on my face.

Thank you!

~DeAnne~ said...

God is so good!! Thank you for sharing your story.

Your work is AMAZING. I love every set you have (And am working on owning every set you have lol)

First Grade Funtastic said...

This story was really touching! Thanks for sharing it!

jillm473 said...

Nikki, Thanks for sharing your story. You are truly amazing. We don't always understand why God works so mysteriously, but without those hardships you may never have realized your dreams... God bless

A Tale of 2 First Grades said...


Nut job ??? No way ! Devine intervention yes indeed ! Your story is amazing , thanks for sharing . My mother in law was diagnosed w esophageal cancer in January , my heartbreaks that you had to endure it twice .

Sincerely ,
Alison Funk

Kaylee Snyder said...

Thanks for sharing Nikki! It made me giggle-a trip to the bishop and a prompting is how I ended up with a blog and helping on Free Digital Stamps. It's amazing how Heavenly Father knows just what we need. It's sometimes a bit funny how He gives us what we need. Hugs!

Kaylee Snyder said...

Thanks for sharing where your blog name comes from too! I've always wondered. Love it-what a neat way to tie your loved ones to your blog.

Spyder said...

You've come sooo far in such a short time, well done you!


Path of Positivity said...

As you said Nikki, it is incredible how we can look back on certain times in our lives and wonder how we've made it at all given the difficulties that some of us go through. It is also amazing, the doors that can open up before us as long as we continue to believe and have faith in ourselves. Thanks for sharing your personal story with us.

Lisa D.

Rachelle said...

AHH!!!! Did I make it on to this post!? I feel HONORED!!!!!!!!!