I just wanted to take a minute and wish you all a Merry Christmas! ( Or a happy Holiday if you celebrate that instead). I am so very grateful for all of you. I'm blessed by the fabulous friends I have made, and for all of the visits and sweet comments left! Thank you as well for your patience with me. I haven't been very productive lately.
Our family has been very spoiled :) Santa made his visit a day early at our house, because I have to work Christmas Eve and day. Everything was a huge hit, and all are pleased with their treasures. We as a family were so excited to get a new couch ( I've never had a BRAND NEW piece of furniture!) where we can all sit together! No more kitchen chairs for me! Woot Woot! It arrived just in time for our family Christmas party. Thanks so much to Jacque from Sweetpea family trees for the awesome gifts I had for my brothers and sister. We had our carpets cleaned, and Mike surprised us with a new flat screen tv! It has been a crazy hectic week. We also were able to take our old couches the 2 hours away for Maggie and pick her up, so she has been home. Oh! And it was our 10th wedding anniversary.
Here's a little update on each of us:)
Mike: Mike has been busy baking cranberry shortcake cookies, and home made toffee! He's the best ever. His work has slowed down, and he's been spending more time with us, it's been so nice:) He's worked very hard to take care of us, and we love him so much!
Nikki: Nikki is busy working constanty. She is still working graveyards, and and drawing till she falls asleep ( you'll usually see a big polka dot where her pen sat on the paper and she took a little nap, lol.) She loves her family and does her best to look after them.
Maggie: Maggie is becoming quite a good cook! She has figured out that a crock pot meal makes your house smell warm and inviting for days! She's preparing for big changes in her life this next year, and has been maturing right before our eyes. She gave us a beautiful picture of the Savior to hang in our home:)
Kella: Kella is a happy go lucky little girl. She loves anything with fur, and 4 legs. She gives lots of hugs, and kisses, and loves to snuggle. Christmas has been a big deal for her, and she's been so excited. She had her own money to buy gifts with, and was very thoughtful while picking them out. Thanks Kel!
Malli: Malli is the little mother. She makes sure that Kella has her coat, and brushes her teeth. She also LOVES clothes, and anything that sparkles. Her outfits all match, and her hair is just so. Mrs. P is teaching her so well, that she can read EVERYTHING! Go Mal!!!!
Buddy and Winston: They are the best loved "brothers" there could ever be. The "d word" is not allowed in our house, they think they are people too, lol.
One last note, now that I've talked your ears off,lol. I haven't had a chance to tell you about the boutique, and many of you have asked. It was bad, lol. Not the show, not the people, it just wasn't very successful for me. It's kind of funny actually.... I couldn't even get people to take free mini Hershey bars!!!! I had a ton! 2 days of sitting, and I had 6 people enter to win free graphics,lol. Well, it was a learning experience, and it'll never happen again. Please if I ever mention trying it out again, somebody smack me in the back of the head! BUT........ it was well worth the time, because I met 2 of my bloggie friends! It was AwEsOmE!!!!!! Katrina, who was so sweet, and such a pleasure to meet:) and Jess whom I think has been my friend forever, and I just misplaced! She drove through a snowstorm, and brought me a gift! Her hubby was so sweet and let us yak for a long timme. I LOVE 'em both:) Thank you ladies, for making my entire year! I also met some awesome people who had booths near me. I'll be posting about them soon.
I can't wait to see what this next year brings. Know that you are important to me, and that someone in Utah LOVES YOU!
Again, Merry Cristmas my friends:)
Nikki and family
Merry Christmas Nikki!
First Grade a la Carte
It sounds like you had a very blessed family celebration! Lub you much and hope 2013 is full of even more blessings for you and yours. :-)
You are blessed!! I emailed you through Etsy. Can I use your clipart in TpT products without a commercial license? Merry Christmas!!!!!! Stephanie
So sorry to hear the boutique was not successful!
Think of yourself as an online success!
Dee Ann
Thanks a lot for taking the time to let us know your family's happenings!!! I love to read all about it, sorry to hear about your boutique, but among us you're a smash :)
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
Merry Christmas, Nikki! I enjoyed your Christmas letter! Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy New Year! Thanks for all you do!
I just got back in town from our family celebrations and wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas :)
I'm sorry to hear about your booth but then I smile.
Remember when you first started out giving freebies, then you thought 'maybe' an etsy store might work out, and now here you are at the end of 2012 with many places for people to buy your things?
You started out slowly and are a superstar online. I have no doubt if you pursue your business offline it will be just as successful! Slow and steady always wins the race.
It's been great getting to 'know' you and I pray 2013 brings you and your family many blessings.
made me cry(:
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