Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Amarah's Butterfly :)

This little butterfly is for my sweet neice Amarah :)

I am trying out a different format to see if they work any better
for you. Please give me any feedback, such as, works the same, better,
or not at all. I'd really appreciate it :)
May your day be filled with rainbows and butterflies!
xox Nikki


Rhonda Miller said...

Thank you. This is so cute.

Lawren said...

Very Cute. Thank you. They work the same for me.

Anonymous said...

You have a day filled with rainbows and butterflies also! Thank you for all your lovely freebies! Your are so kind and talented. Sandy

Anonymous said...

Love your work!


Shelly said...

Thank you for the sweet butterfly, Nikki. I love butterflies.

Anonymous said...

Don't know what you changed, but they work the same for me!

Really LOVELOVELOVE your designs! TY VVVVV M!!

D :)

Anonymous said...

Old and new work your work, Dee

monica said...

thank you, your work is special for my, and it's ok this formate or tel older!!!! escuse my english, I don't speak it.xoxoxo!!!

Made by Mandy said...

Your digis are great no matter what format and you are so generous. I adore this butterfly and the cute smily face :)

Love Mandy xxx

marilyn said...

how cute! the format works the same for me too.

Nikki said...

Thanks everyone, for your input :D. And for stopping in... a few new faces tody! WOOT! WOOT!xox

Danielle said...

Very cute.. Thanks!

Seongsook Duncan said...

So cute! Love the colored one. Thanks very much.

Diane's Place said...

So cute. I love visiting your site. There are always sweet surprises waiting...

fallonmjf6 said...

What a beautiful name Amarah is and what a beautiful butterfly. This format seems to be just the same for me.

Kelley said...

Thank you for the butterfly. Amarah is blessed to have someone draw for her.

Lamarcus said...

Love your work! Connie