Thursday, August 27, 2015

We have a winner!!!!!

Dear Friends,

Thank You.

Thank you so very much for the comments left, all 101 of them.
Every one touched my heart.
I so wish I could take part in every class that entered.

Please know that many prayers were said before the winner was chosen. 
It was a totally random drawing, because I could never have made the decision myself.
That being said.....

I cant wait to learn more about MY new class!!!

The winner is:

She left this comment:

"I am a kindergarten teacher who loves to surround her students with all things that are bright and beautiful. My school is mostly low income with a large number of foster children. Unfortunately, they don't always come from the best situations, so I strive to provide them with a safe and aesthetically pleasing environment. I do not to ask the parents for extra supplies, so I spend a good portion of my money to provide for them. I do this because they are the loves of my life and they deserve the matter where they come from."

Congratulations Lisa!
Please email me my friend!

One year, I hope to adopt more than one class.

Until then, thank you again my friends.

I will keep you and your class rooms in my heart this next coming year.

Now, I have a little gift for all of you <3

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Classroom Adoption for 2015-16 School year open for entries!

It's that time again!!!

What does the Adopted Class get you ask????

The class will receive:
$100 for classroom supplies
(The teacher will need to send me copies of the receipts for purchases made)

$50 in Melonheadz graphics
chosen by the Teacher

Monthly gift boxes shipped to the school
(All kids need to know that there are good people in this world that
 care for them too!)

Here are the requirements for entries:

1. The school must be within the United States
(Sorry friends it's all about shipping....
 Maybe next year I'll choose a school in another country <3)

2. The teacher must have a paypal account for transfer of funds.

3. A quick email each month to let me know the package arrived safely.

4. A comment must be left on this post telling me why your classroom deserves to be chosen. 
1 entry per classroom please.

That's it!!! 

EaSy PeAsY!

The winning classroom will be


chosen on 

August 26, 2015

I can't wait to be included in your classroom!

Good luck my friends!
