Dear Friends,
Thank You.
Thank you so very much for the comments left, all 101 of them.
Every one touched my heart.
I so wish I could take part in every class that entered.
Please know that many prayers were said before the winner was chosen.
It was a totally random drawing, because I could never have made the decision myself.
That being said.....
I cant wait to learn more about MY new class!!!
The winner is:
She left this comment:
"I am a kindergarten teacher who loves to surround her students with all things that are bright and beautiful. My school is mostly low income with a large number of foster children. Unfortunately, they don't always come from the best situations, so I strive to provide them with a safe and aesthetically pleasing environment. I do not to ask the parents for extra supplies, so I spend a good portion of my money to provide for them. I do this because they are the loves of my life and they deserve the matter where they come from."
Congratulations Lisa!
Please email me my friend!
One year, I hope to adopt more than one class.
Until then, thank you again my friends.
I will keep you and your class rooms in my heart this next coming year.
Now, I have a little gift for all of you <3