Saturday, August 25, 2012

Not my best day!

Hi friends....
I have to apologize for something I did, without even knowing I did it!
It has been pointed out to me that my cute ( I thought I made it up in my head)
code word to enter the contest this weekend was a nasty slur.
Seriously, at 40, you'd think I'd have heard them all, but no. I am absolutely sick to think I may
have offended anyone through my dumb big mouth!
I have changed the code word, please don't worry those who have entered, you're still good :)
To add to that today,
I attended my cousin's funeral ( who I found out was even more groovy and awesome than I already thought ), I got a ticket, broke my new necklace ( I never buy stuff like that for me ),
and ripped the arm off of my sunglasses.
I give up for today.
Tomorrow will be better.....
I hope....
as long as I keep my foot out of my big dumb bunny


Unknown said...

Not sure what word you used, but I love reading your blog! I love your clip art too. I hope things turn around for you and I am sorry for your loss. Keep your chin up!

Karen (karey2005) said...

I am not a regular commenter but regularly read your blog and enjoy it! Sounds like a terrible day! Chin up! Tomorrow will be better!! (hugs)

Sara {Miss V's Busy Bees} said...

Hang in there, Nikki! A better tomorrow is on it's way :)


Leslie Mozak said...


Anonymous said...

It all happened on one day to get it out of the way! Tomorrow will be a better day :)

Natalies Nook said...

For what it's worth I didn't know it was a slang word. Some days are just yucky ~ I am so sorry your day was so bad! Tomorrow will be better and remember you have a ton of people who really care about you out there in blog-land. Here is a hug from me to you:)
Natalies Nook

Kathy said...

I'm sorry about the loss of your cousin. We all have days like that. I hope tomorrow is better. It sounds like you have a GREAT attitude though. I continue to love your art work!

First Grade a la Carte

Tanya said...

Nikki, Here's a {{HUG}} from me to you. Sorry to hear about your bad day. Things will be looking up soon!
☺ Tanya
First Grade is Fantabulous!

Carrie Manchester said...

Sorry for the loss of your cousin. It's always tough to lose the terrific people in our lives. Here's to a better day today!

PS, Is it bad that I really, really want to know what the code was?


Lori Rosenberg said...

First, and most importantly, I am so sorry about your cousin. My condolences to you and your family.

Second, I saw your code word and thought to my self, "how cute!" I, also, had absolutely no idea it was a nasty slur. Anyone could easily make the same mistake and I'm sure that no one thinks you did it on purpose.

Lastly, my fingers are crossed that you have a better today! You certainly deserve it!

Hugs to you!

Ѽ Lori
Teaching With Love and Laughter

Kathy said...

So sorry for your sorrows Nikki, it will get better- xo

crazymom said...

OMG! You poor thing. You are so sweet and Im sure you meant nothing of any harm. Keep smiling! Thanks for cutening (is that a word?) up my world with your DARLING clipart!!

Unknown said...

((hugs)) Tomorrow is a better day! Sending love your way!
First Grade Blue SKies

Unknown said...

****That was me giving you a big hug! I'm so sorry for the loss of your cousin, Nikki. Prayers to you and your family.

I'm 50 (ok 50-something :0)and have never heard that word was a slur?

Some days are just the pits, but know that we all LOVE YOU and think you are amazing, caring, wonderful, giving, oh so creative and kind, with a heart of gold!

Tomorrow will be a better day!

Think, Wonder, and Teach said...

Oh Nikki! It is time to break out the cheesecake. I am so sorry for everything!


Nikki said...

Awwww...... thanks my friends! You're all such blessings to me! Thank you for overlooking my foot in the mouth And for your thoughts! My cousin was an amazing man! I'm blessed to call his children not only family, but friends too! Lubs to you all! xox

sspeller said...

Wow! I guess I am in the dark too. Would never have guessed that your "code" word was a nasty slur? Anybody who has read your blog regularly would know that your intentions were completely pure. Don't let it get you down! Sorry too for your bad day, but that's the great thing about life. Each day we are blessed with comes standard with its very own "do over, clean slate" button that God presses for us each and every morning...

Teachcapades said...

I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. When you stack all the other on top of that, it is just the pits. What I tell my kiddos about a bad day is that they ALWAYS get better. But I must admit, the arm of the sunglasses just might have sent me over the edge. I didn't know your code word was not OK either. We definitely would have been in the dark together on that one.
Here's to a WONDERFUL week. Amy

Griffith's 3rd Grade Garden

nicoleshelby said...

Oh I hate to hear about your bad day! Cheer up, sweetie! We all love you and support you! :)

Hope tomorrow is better!


nicoleshelby said...

Oh I hate to hear about your bad day! Cheer up, sweetie! We all love you and support you! :)

Hope tomorrow is better!
