Sunday, August 26, 2012

Birthday Diva :)

Hi Friends :)
Guess what????
It's my birthday week!
"HaPpY BiRtHdAy To Me...."
SO, as the birthday diva :) This week I thought I would share a little about me, and also ask for a birthday gift from each of you! I'm getting old, I can do
(I'm actually stealing this from my friend Laura.... she did this on her birthday, and I was so impressed with her. I wanna be like her when I grow up! She is one of my heroes)
SO.... back to my birthday
Just once this next week I ask that you do a good deed, and think of me :)
I don't care if you wash and fold your husband's socks, or if you buy the soda of the person behind you in line....and then... I wanna hear about it!
I'm so excited about this:)
SO you have until Friday (which is the BIG day)....
get out there, and do good my friends!
Ok, so here's the first of the about me facts:
1. My mother didn't tell anyone but my dad that she was pregnant with me! I was a big
2. When I was little we had some foster girls (Lavern and Shirley.... Really that was their names! I still think of them as my sisters) that lived with us during the school year. They would come from the Indian reservations in Arizona. My brother Blair was disappointed that I was so pale.
3. I was allergic to EVERYTHING! My poor mother tried everything she could think of, and I would throw it up. Jello water.... everything. For a while they gave me the liquid mixture you use in ice cream machines (yeah that kept me nice and When I couldn't drink that anymore, they started me on flat coke. I swear my blood is brown and fizzy. I have a terrible fear of the restrictions on soda size that I've heard about. I will dry up and die, I just know it!
ok so here's the freebie and reward you get for listening to me babble :)


Lori Rosenberg said...

If anyone deserves to have a special birthday week, it's you! I hope all your wishes come true. Thanks for the cute baby melonheadz, and, for the challenge to do a good deed. Enjoy youself, Nikki!

Ѽ Lori
Teaching With Love and Laughter

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday dear friend!! Hope you have an absolutely, positively, awesome birthday!! You are the best!

Mary J said...

A happy birthday to you Nikki! It was my birthday yesterday - Virgos are fab! ;)

Janine said...

Happy Birthday, I hope your day and the entire year is filled with blessings! I will get back to you with my good deed!

Mrs. L said...

It's my birthday this week too! I love your service idea and was thinking of doing something similar. I will definitely get back to you on this one. :)
Life with Mrs. L

Eileen Griffin said...

Happy Birthday, Nikki!! I will let you know what my good deed is as soon as I do it! Have a fantastic birthday week. You deserve it!

SiskiyouSue said...

Happy birthday! You don't have any idea what OLD is yet, enjoy it while you can!

ike said...

How cool to learn a little about You :-) Happy Birthday... I will try and do something kind and let you know. x Thank you for the freebie xxxxx

nicoleshelby said...

Happy Birthday, Nikki! I hope your day is as special as you are! :)


Rhonda Miller said...

Happy Birthday!! Thanks for sharing a little about yourself. I love your idea for a birthday gift. It's something we can all do.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to YOU!

Have a great birthday week!!

Melissa Miller

Runde's Room said...

Happy Birthday!!! Have a wonderful week inspiring others to do good!

Runde's Room

Kelley said...

Happy Birthday, a day late! Hope you had a great day and you get a lot of responses to your birthday present request.

Marianne said...

Happy Birthday Nikki! Hope you'll have a wonderful birthday week and lots of special birthday "gifts". And a big (no pun intented, hmm, maybe it was intended after all LOL) thank you for that very cute image.

Jeannine said...

Wishing you a very special birthday and a wonderful year ahead! I'll be working on good deeds in your honor! Seems there is a lot of opportunity for that lately. What a spectacular idea!

Creative Lesson Cafe

Jen said...

Yay! Happy birthday week!!

Jen said...

Yay! Happy birthday week!!

Purple Card Lady said...

Haha! Happy Bday Nikki! I will definitely honor your bday request. Hoping you have the best week evahhhh!! :-) Candy

Anonymous said...

Another Happy Birthday wish!!

Here's your Bday request. My best friend and I go McD's to catch up almost once a week as she's going home from work. I'll tip the mentally challenged worker if he's there, because he works so hard. He sat near us waiting for his ride when his shift was over and he was perspiring he had worked so hard. I thank him for doing working so hard for us and quietly slip him the money. He grins as if I've given him a thousand dollars, always makes my day. Hope I made yours. Again, H Bday!!

Stef H said...

happy, happy, happy birthday! hope it's stampendously spectacular!!!!

hugs :)

Corinna said...

Happy bleated birthday. I n Hawaii we say Hau'oli la hanau!! Mine is a day before yours:) Go Virgo's:)) I decided for my birthday gift I need my own Melonhead:) I will email you with details soon!

Surfin' Through Second

Sonia said...

Happy Belated Birthday... Thanks for always sharing beautiful images.
God Blessing, you are a very talent girl.
Enjoy this new year!
My birthday was couple of days ago (Aug 20).
Hugs, Sony

Unknown said...

Is there anyway I can buy this set in color and bw... i want these for the crawling babies and newborns in boys and girls. some of the freebies aren't able to save as PNG. I tried searching everywhere for this set.