And....I'm a Mormon

Hi Friends:)

Most of you know that I'm a Mormon ( also known as a member of  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints).  I've made a few references to my beliefs, but have never really stood up and shouted it. That's not my intention now. I promise not to follow you home and stand on your doorstep until you let me in,lol.

There has been a lot about the Mormons in the news, on TV, and other media lately. I have answered a few questions here and there. SO, I thought I would give ya a little run down, lol. I don't wear dresses all day, I am married to only one man, and I do eat meat ( sorry to all the vegetarians). I believe in God, and I am a Christian.

I have met and been a fan of bloggers for a long time, and you know what? A LOT of my favoites are Mormon Mommys just like me!
.                                                             Myself, melonheadz
                                                            Mariel ~ oneshetwoshe
                                                              Becky ~ The Crafting Chicks
Camille ~ Six Sisters Stuff
Leigh Anne ~ Your Homebased Mom
Megan ~ Brassy Apple
Reachel ~ Cardigan Empire
Caroline ~ Armelle Blog
Carrian ~ Sweet Basil
Melissa ~ 320 Sycamore
Shandra ~ Deals to Meals
Kristyn ~ Lil' Luna
Kelli ~ Lolly Jane
Stephanie ~ Somewhat Simple
Becky ~ UCreate
Arianne ~ Still Parenting
Shawni ~ 71 Toes
Lindsey ~ The R House

It is a part of our belief to share, expand our talents, and serve others. Blogging is a natural fit:) IF you would like to learn more about these fabulous women, and what they have to say, send me off an email. I will mail you a packet that contains their thoughts, and mine as well, along with a Book of Mormon.  For FREE!  I promise not to forward your information on to anyone. No strings attached. Nothing.

 I mail off one or two times a month. Until your package from me comes, check out some more people by clicking here: or here: So you can see what we're all about.

Please know that this post is not about discussions, or comments. It is what it is. Just me wanting to share something that means so much to me, with someone who I care about.

Here's my email, should you decide to learn more:

If you are a blogger, and a Mormon, let me know if you would like to participate. I can send you all the info to get started.



  1. Fabulous! So happy to have you part of this!

  2. Hi!!
    What a wonderful idea! I'm a french mormon blogger and I would love to participate! Is that possible?


  3. You are amazing! I love your site! I am a Mormon myself and I find myself always loving the cute child and family based blogged! I guess I come by it honestly hahaha Awesome Work on your blog! :)

  4. Although I am not Mormon, I just wanna say that I am so proud of your religion!I follow David Archuleta and have been involved with so many of his charity works!I use his music on my blog! LOL!
    Lcie aka thebeezyteacher

  5. I am also a member of the church and I am so excited to see this list!!! I will be busy visiting all their blogs :)

    Thank you,
    Robyn Long
    Simply Delightful in Second Grade

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'm not a mormon but close friends are and their son is on a mission. We have fed both elder and sister missionaries many times, in a sense to honor their son. This has been a wonderful time for all of us.

    1. That is so nice of you, especially at this time in the world when people get offended for thinking differently than others.

  8. I admire your work very much. You are so talented! I am also a Mormon and proud of it!

  9. Hi!!
    I love your site and get really inspired by it.
    I'm not a Mormon, but I appreciate your PoV on life (hey, that's what faith is about, right?).
    Thanks for being shining so bright!

  10. hola soy miembro de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días también, he trabajado en diferentes asignaciones y por los últimos 3 años trabaje con los niños de la primaria, los rayitos de de sol, amaron cada dibujo de Melonheaz, ahora tenemos 2 meses como Presidentes de misión en Honduras y nuestros misioneros aman las ilustraciones de Melonheadz que usamos para decorar sus actividades, gracias por tu talento
    Diana de Mejia


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