Monday, September 23, 2013

Season Spring and School Subject Kidlettes sets released today

Also!!! I have new and improved Black and white bundles (Thanks to my sweet friend for telling me
it would work better:) )!!!
The background is now white, and the edges are transparent. Hopefully this will. work
better for everyone.
My friend Shar used the "School Subject Kidlettes" to make this fantastic card!
So cute!
You can see more of Shar's work by


  1. I love both of these sets. I'm so glad you are calling them black and white sets. That makes it so much clearer for my old brain to understand! Ha Ha! You're a peach! I've wishlisted these and will grab them soon.

  2. YAY!!!! They are here!!!! So excited to do my new schedule subject cards!!!!

  3. Nikki,

    You know I LOVE all your graphics but that spring set is over the top cute!

    Granny Goes to School


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