Friday, August 2, 2013

Utah Teacher Blogger Meet Up Pics!

I met some fabulous ladies:) I am so happy! I finally got to meet Rachelle (who is my
bestie), and Natalie, and Lindsay, and Joell, and Jill, and Terri, and Krystal, and Frieda, and well...
Just everyone!!!! 
I was very lucky to have Jacque go with me, and see Miss Sheree!
 What a day!
Holy Smokes! You will be proud, I made it there and didn't cry! I didn't spill on myself,
Or fall down, and I didn't drool on myself. 
I believe I may have given out a little TMI, But it was AWESOME!


  1. Nikki,

    It was so great to meet you! I absolutely adore your art!! You are one truly talented lady!


  2. You look so sweet in all the pics Nikki, I wish I could have been there :) so happy you had a great day!

  3. It was so fun to meet you, Nikki! I'm sorry I had to sneak out early. I can't wait to get home and play with all my new clip art :)

    good enough teacher

  4. Classic post . . . loved seeing all of the pics and your TMI made my day :)

  5. I wish I could've gotten to talk to you while I was there. I love your stuff! You're very talented!

  6. seems so strange to see my face on a blog post of someone I admire so much. It was WONDERFUL to meet you in real life! It was instant...I love you (I knew I would). Can't wait until we can get together again! There is so much I want to talk to you about.

    Terri Izatt


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