Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Veterans Day!

Better late then never right?
Sorry again....

Just a quick note to thank all of those who have served to keep my family safe.
I'm very grateful for the sacrifices made on our behalf, both by those in the military,
and by their familes as well. (As well as those in other countries who fight with them). I'm sending you all of my love, and gratitude.

God Bless You.
Stay safe my friends.
Thank you for being a hero.


  1. Seriously ... every time I think your stuff can't get any cuter it does. Thank you SO MUCH.

  2. I absolutely love it - perfect for Any Hero cards for Operation Write Home! Thanks, Nikki

    Allison G in TX

  3. Love this Nikki! I teach on an air force base, and those children serve everyday just like their moms and dads. They will LOVE this. :)

  4. Thank you Nikki- I , nor my husband served but we know many who have and are thankfu for all of them!

  5. Oh Nikki,
    I love, love, love your soldiers!! Also, want to say thanks so much for the elves. They have been adorable as usual.

  6. Nikki! You are amazing! I can't tell you how much it means to me that you remember the families of the service men and women. Although our loved ones fight for our freedom, we hold down the fort while they are gone.

  7. These are great, thanks Nikki

  8. Thanks Nikki. This is such a perfect image. I love it.

  9. Thank you for these wonderful freebies...LOVE your coloring of the camo!!


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