Saturday, September 1, 2012

A HUGE Thank you!

WoW! I have been so spoiled by well wishes this
year:) Thank you so much for every single one! And also for the good deeds that
were done, they made me almost burst with hapiness!
Through this blog, I have met and made so many friends! Each and every one of you...
regular commenters, and just "peekers" make my "work" so enjoyable, and worth every minute. You're all such a blessing to me! I feel like I have been given the world!
LUB you all to pieces!


  1. Back at you, Nikki! good deed was hard to muster, because I felt so icky this week. Pain, plus a round of steriods to try to control the inflammation, which drive my anxiety through the roof...what I did was to try to control my steroid-feuled frustration and upset, to remember that it's ME who's losing her mind, NOT them...and to be as patient patient patient as possible while it feels like my brain is full of bees and my body feels beaten with a baseball bat. Most of all, I'm trying to remember that *other* people/animals have problems and need my understanding more than I need their sympathy. Does any of that make sense? My tension has been so high from the meds all week, I'm probably just yammering on. I had to really stretch to find something kind I did this week, huh? Do I get credit for basically trying to hold it together? ;)Happy birthday, anyway!

  2. I'm glad you had a good week. You deserve it.

  3. You bring a lot of joy to many people with your newsletter and artwork. Thanks for all you do.

  4. Hope you had a lovely day and that your family and friends spoilt you rotten...didn't really get out much but did make dinner for the In Laws a few times this week so hopefully that counts as a good deed :)

  5. Happy late birthday and thanks for gifting us with all the great images. You are one of my favorite artists! Loved all your stories of growing up.

  6. Your talent is only overshadowed by your generosity. Thank you Nikki.

  7. Thanks & love right back atcha, Nikki!


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