Sunday, June 3, 2012

One of those days.....

Yes I am having one of those days. This is me in my pjs :)
Why do I have my pjs on in the middle of the day? Normal people are dressed during the day, and wear pjs at night. Well, I work nights, thus this is
my "night" time. I think people in my neighborhood must think I never wear real clothes.

Today my hubby is working. Yay! I am so grateful he has plenty of work. It does cut in to any sleep I might get, but usually it's a fair trade.... unless...
the 2 1/2 hours of sleep I'm supposed to get turns into 2 and most of it involves children fighting and screaming, and their father hollering "If you wake up your mother..." 5 feet from my ear....
It's a good thing I'm not a violent

So now I have sat down to work :)
My little one is screaming about her sister being a "dippit bucker"  (remember the bucket dipper story)
and my middle child is threatening to stab her sister with a pencil. I sincerely believe that
children should come with an emergency off button. Just for an hour or two.... sounds good right?
and inna bit I'm off to Maggie's room (I'd almost rather chew off my own arm than go in there) to find all of the things she forgot to take to college with her. If you don't hear from me again for a few days you will know where to look for me.

So I am running away (in my head at least)..
I have my pepsi and chocolate and hot wings packed  up and I'm going to
go find a quiet spot in the corner to rock back and forth...:)

I hope your day is better :)


  1. It's going to get better!


  2. I'm glad it's not just me feeling this way today. I could quite happily run away with pepsi and chocolate today!

  3. It always gets better, just seems never ending... Thanks for the cutie and good luck!

  4. Hang in there. Tomorrow is a new day:0) love the freebie. Thank you!

  5. Thanks for the cute freebies! Sorry to hear about your day hopefully running away in your head will help . . .

  6. Ha, my hubbie does that too! So frustrating! As the previous ladies said, hang in there tomorrow is a new day. Besides you can't run away! You forgot a cup for your pepsi, and napkins for your wings. You'd' be a mess and we can't have that can we? lol

  7. Love the glimpse into your life. Believe it or not someday life will be much quieter maybe too quiet. Enjoy your escape in your brain, and thanks for this cute image!!

  8. One day you will miss all that. I agree I would rather chew my arm of then go into my son's room. Thank you.

  9. I've had a couple of those days lately. Thanks for sharing the image.

  10. Hang in there, everything will be better soon!!!!

  11. I hope you are doing better.... some days kids are more than real job!

  12. I think we all have crazy days like this but I'm sure tomorrow will be better. Thanks for finding time to share your cute images.:)

  13. Well, I've been in my pj's for most of this weeks, getting to bed at 2- 3 -4 -5 in the morning and still getting up at 7..there doesn't seem much point to getting dressed! Great freebie!

  14. I'd rather stay in my pjs! But I'm always afraid someone will knock on the door. :D Not a pretty site! I'll pack my bag and run away with you.

    Thank you for the image.

  15. Awww... hope that you're doing better! We all have those kinds of days... Thanks for the freebie.

  16. Like they say, some days you feel like the windshield and other days you feel like the bug! I wish you well on your dream journey...

  17. I will never complain about getting only 6 hours of broken sleep again! Hope tomorrow is better. Love the image

  18. Even on your rough days you're thoughtful of so many others. thank you for the image & I hope that things have been better :)

  19. I keep telling my daughter who is also the mom of 3 that motherhood isn't for wimps! It isn't always easy but the grandkids are worth the effort of parenthood!

    Thanks for the great image!


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