Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I'm sorry to announce:

Hi friends :(
Sad day!
I'm sorry to announce that I will no longer be releasing and bundles or images
that could be or are resembling anything copyrighted.
All of my friends who have sent in requests, I so appreciate your
time and energy sent my way, but will
not be able to fill your requests.



  1. I hope that you will continue to create theme based sets!


  2. Copyrighted??!! I'm confused - what could be considered copyrighted that YOU personally draw??

    It is a real shame, I love your images.

    Forge ahead!

    D :)

  3. craziness! Please don't get discouraged! Keep drawing your heart out! Big fan of your work!!

  4. Love yor work. I know I had to research copywrite law myself for the images that I post. There are too many questions about it so I stay away from copywrited characters now. If your image looks too much like the original then it's considered duplication.

  5. I am sorry but I do understand the copyright reasons

    Better safe than sorry

  6. I hate that! But I know you will still rock out some amazing art!

  7. Ditto what they said. You have so many amazing digis, you'll get past this and keep flourishing! We love your art, thank you for blessing us with your work ~hugs~

  8. Don't worry! I love your digi art and cannot wait to see what you create each day. We all "get it".

  9. Hey friend, I am still LOVING my Cinco de Mayo bundles!

  10. I think this is a good move on your part. Personally I prefer your original work anyway...because it's original! And the good thing is that that same copyright law will protect YOUR work as well. :)

  11. Stay strong, Nikki. You are such a wonderful and talented person. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Don't let others discourage you, and keep you from doing what you enjoy. It looks like everyone else seems to agree with me. If you need someone to lean on, I'm just a click away! ;)


  12. It will all work out. Copyright is always hard. It's worded just so that no matter how you change it, you get screwed... But it's alright, you have so many hundreds of original requests and thoughts!

  13. Your work is so cute and unique and I enjoy all your images.. Don't be discouraged. We appreciate you!

  14. I understand and was so sad when the Kitty Po Po took away Pete. I wish they would understand that we use and buy theirs books to go with the activities we make.

    Heather's Heart


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