Thursday, May 24, 2012

You get what you get...

If I were ever to get a tattoo.... I would get this...
on. my. forehead!

My kids make me! Even if they get the same
exact thing, they always think someone else's is better!


  1. I love this!!! My students and I say this all the time whenever we are passing treats out.

  2. This is the motto at our house, not that it works, but we use it often. Thank you.

  3. This is great, thank you for gifting us with this freebie.

  4. I'm with you on this one. THanks

  5. I think every mom could would like this until her kids are out of college! Thank you!!

  6. Perfect! Having an only child I don't use this much at home, but BOY did I use it a lot subbing in Kindergarten for most of this school year!!!

  7. It's funny: I first heard this saying from a southern teaching friend of mine and I scratched my head for a while wondering why she thought that rhymed. Then, I realized that down there, it does! Up here in north Jersey it doesn't, so instead we say "You get what you get and you don't get upset" And boy oh boy do I say this a LOT! Actually, I mostly say "You get what you get!" and the kids finish it off with a giggle...

  8. sandie - that is so funny...someone actually asked me one time why I thought that duh?! haha!! And THIS is why it's so hard to teach phonics - haha!

  9. Oh, I could give this to my sisters to teach their kids! I quit giving them gifts.

    Thank you, Nikki, for the great sentiment.

  10. Ha our house, it's "You get what you get, and you don't get upset." I didn't realize that this was a well known saying. I thought we made it up ourselves. LOL Thanks for this...might have to make a huge one to hang on the wall in our house!

  11. My daughter's preschool teacher always said this and we have officially adopted it in our home! Thanks so much!

  12. I like it, and I agree! Thanks and have a great weekend!

  13. HA!!!! The pre K teacher at the school I serve lunch says this to her kids A LOT! I love it. I must make her something fun with this. THANK YOU.

  14. Thank you so much. This is awesome! I didn't realize this was such a well known saying, my neice from OK just taught it to us a few months ago when they came to visit us in TX. And to Sandie...I didn't realize until I read your comment that it wouldn't rhyme but here in the south! LOL We all just busted out laughing!! Norma W

  15. You must know my mother lol! This sounds exactly like what she used to say - Thanks so much.

  16. OMG! When I found this I was so happy. If you ever want to do another freebie, my class always says "You get what you get and you don't get upset." They like the saying better this way, because it rhymes. Thanks for sharing!

  17. i. love. this! i would say this to my kiddos at least once a week - and then when they passed out supplies, they would say it to each other :)


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