Monday, February 20, 2012

Sorry I'm SUPER late!

I'm sorry friends, that I'm waaaaaaaay
late with a post for today.
Here are my reasons

Pesty kids!


  1. OOOOOOOOOOO - can't be - not your three little 'uns!

    Sandy S :)

  2. Ha ha so cute, the little one looks just like mine!

  3. reminds e of Where the Wild Things Are. Cute!!!
    ✿Tiffani Time 4 Kindergarten

  4. This is so cute, thanks for sharing it.

  5. So cute and so true! The little girls can be just as devilish as anyone else. Thank you!!

  6. With slight variations in colour, these could be MY kids!! Heh heh... Ah well, they also have angelic moments, so I should be thankful. Thanks for this awesome digi. I don't suppose you were planning a companion drawing of three angels?? (hint, hint...) At any rate, this is fantastic and I'm sure I'll have occasion to use it. Thank you!

  7. We all have days like this! And it's worse when they have the nerve to SMILE while pulling their stunts.

    Thank you for sharing this. I think it will work perfectly for my three grandchildren! The oldest is 3 and is in charge of all toys, the 1 year old doesn't agree and the 6 month old, with a look of horror, wonders just what is going on.

  8. this was just too cute! thanks


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